ZAC36 Firmware update Issue on C-8 Hub

Try power cycling it first, totally power it down for about 30 seconds and then plug it back in.

If you do the calibration sequence correctly this is what it does next according to the official docs. I had done it myself a long time ago when I first set it up.

Forced calibration:

  • Perform when the initial calibration fails or when moving the Titan from one installation to another
  • Hold the Z-Wave button until 5 beeps sound
  • Click the Z-Wave button 5 times to initiate forced calibration
  • Quick flashing yellow during the calibration process (the actuator will open and close to find the start and end points)
  • Flashing green and 2 beeps to indicate successful calibration

I tried power cycling first then the forced calibration. Flashes yellow then 3 red flashes then flashes yellow then 3 red flashes then back to the slow flashing green. No movement on the closed valve.

Check the Zooz docs: ZAC36 Valve Actuator LED And Sound Indicator Guide - Zooz Support Center

Could be failure to open or close as indicated by that guide. That is one of the things that says it had 3 red flashes.

Have you changed any of the advanced setting on the driver away from the defaults? You may want to update the driver and then make sure anything you are not sure about is set yo defaults.

Have you checked the actual valve manually to see how hard it is to move? Sometimes they get very sticky over time especially if you have really hard water.

If all else fails I would open a ticket with Zooz.

Might also be helpful for either us here or Zooz if you video record the calibration attempt with the flashing and then upload it to youtube or something.

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I haven't changed any of the advanced setting on the driver. I did remove the valve and confirmed the ball valve moves freely. Can you walk me through the procedure to update the driver? Also how to update the firmware version. I do appreciate your help!

If you use HPM (Package Manager) it can be updated from there. Otherwise you have to manually update the code. You would follow these directions but DO NOT add new driver, instead edit the one that is already in the list: Drivers Code | Hubitat Documentation

Clicking import should pre-load the URL from the existing code so you can just re-import from Github and save.

For firmware you can use the built in HE tool: Device Firmware Updater | Hubitat Documentation

Zooz OTA files are here: Zooz OTA Firmware Files

Took care of the driver code. Updated the firmware version but it still shows ver 1.21. The valve shows open but is closed. Dashboard has the valve icon now showing green for open. The Titan valve has the slow green flashing light.

dev:12024-12-08 04:33:20.668 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: temperature set to 66.0 F

dev:12024-12-08 04:33:16.722 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: battery level is 100%

dev:12024-12-08 04:12:08.642 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: temperature set to 65.0 F

dev:12024-12-08 04:11:58.818 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: battery level is 100%

dev:12024-12-08 04:11:58.803 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: battery is maintaining

dev:12024-12-08 04:11:58.783 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to open

dev:12024-12-08 04:11:58.783 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to open

dev:12024-12-08 03:56:40.927 PMwarnZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: Logging Level is: Info (2)

dev:12024-12-08 03:56:40.889 PMwarnZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: Debug and Trace logging disabled...

dev:12024-12-08 03:49:27.574 PMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: Update Params List

dev:12024-12-08 03:26:41.409 PMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: Parameter #33 = 2

dev:12024-12-08 03:26:40.881 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: Logging Level is: Debug (3) for 30 Minutes

dev:12024-12-08 03:26:40.839 PMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: executeConfigureCmds...

dev:12024-12-08 03:26:39.747 PMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: updated...

dev:12024-12-08 02:26:49.534 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: temperature set to 66.0 F

dev:12024-12-08 01:56:47.068 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to working

dev:12024-12-08 01:56:10.485 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: temperature set to 62.0 F

dev:12024-12-08 01:56:02.174 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to open

dev:12024-12-08 01:56:02.170 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to open

dev:12024-12-08 01:56:02.149 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: battery level is 100%

dev:12024-12-08 01:10:43.181 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to working

dev:12024-12-08 01:10:17.176 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: battery level is 100%

dev:12024-12-08 01:10:17.152 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to open

dev:12024-12-08 01:07:12.143 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to working

dev:12024-12-08 01:06:46.862 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: temperature set to 64.0 F

dev:12024-12-08 01:06:37.394 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: battery level is 100%

dev:12024-12-08 01:06:37.347 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to open

dev:12024-12-08 01:06:37.346 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to open

dev:12024-12-08 01:06:37.330 PMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: switch set to off

dev:12024-12-08 10:55:51.601 AMwarnZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: Debug and Trace logging disabled...

dev:12024-12-08 10:28:39.075 AMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: battery level is 100%

dev:12024-12-08 10:28:38.761 AMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: water set to dry [NOT CHANGED]

dev:12024-12-08 10:28:38.493 AMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: temperatureAlarm set to normal [NOT CHANGED]

dev:12024-12-08 10:28:38.238 AMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: Unhandled Valve Event: 0, null

dev:12024-12-08 10:28:38.008 AMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: temperature set to 63.0 F [NOT CHANGED]

dev:12024-12-08 10:28:37.556 AMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to working [NOT CHANGED]

dev:12024-12-08 10:28:37.326 AMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: refresh...

dev:12024-12-08 10:25:52.168 AMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: Parameter #33 = 2

dev:12024-12-08 10:25:51.588 AMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: Logging Level is: Debug (3) for 30 Minutes

dev:12024-12-08 10:25:51.540 AMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: executeConfigureCmds...

dev:12024-12-08 10:25:50.392 AMdebugZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: updated...

dev:12024-12-08 10:14:44.275 AMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to working

dev:12024-12-08 10:08:23.347 AMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to closed

dev:12024-12-08 10:08:23.340 AMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to closed

dev:12024-12-08 10:08:23.326 AMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: switch set to on

dev:12024-12-08 10:08:06.259 AMinfoZooz ZAC36 Ball Valve Controller: valve set to working

Do I need to delete the older version for the new one to take effect?

Assuming the firmware update indicated that it completed successfuly, try refreshing the whole "Devices" page and then check the Titan's firmware value again - sometimes it just takes a couple pokes to shake into displaying correctly.

When done, I always purge my Device Firmware Updater file listing and then remove that app. When I need it in the future, I reinstall it fresh and go from there.

It's not great that your still seeing that "working" status in the logs -- I don't know why that's happening.

When you post logs in the future, it's easier for other folks to read them as a screenshot (instead of pasting a copy of the logs).

What do I have to do with the fact the dashboard and device menu shows the valve is open when it is not?

Did you try cycling it? Sometimes that will help get relays/valves/etc back in sync.

cycling? I can't get the valve to move unless I remove the Titan Actuator.

So nothing happens if you tap the Titan's button?

Nothing. I tried to force re calibration but that doesn't work.

Running the Configure command from the device page will request the current FW version from the device. When its done you have to refresh the page to see the change. Also I think on the FW Updater tool if you select a different device, back out and re-select the ZAC36 it will request the FW version again (and should also update the device page).

As for the ZAC36 malfunctioning, I would for sure either post on the Zooz forums or open a ticket with them. Seems like something has gone wrong it.

The only other thing you could try on your own would be to exclude / factory reset and include again. Zooz will probably have you try this first as well. If you do go that route, to save any automations you have tied to it you should create a virtual valve device on the hub and then use Swap Apps to move everything over to it. Then when you exclude and it deletes the device it wont break all the automations. Then do the factory reset procedure on the device to be sure all settings are reset to defaults. Once you include it back again you can then swap from the virtual device back to the new device created by inclusion.

Thanks. I gave up for the night. I will try again tomorrow. I will let you know how I make out. Thanks again!

Just got a Zooz ZAC36LR today.

Got it paired with my Hubitat c-8 pro but had problems with the native driver. States were inverted, open causes a close and closed caused an open. Switched over to the advanced driver from JPT and that seemed to sort things out.

Turns out my new valve came with older firmware so tried to update it from 2.0 to 2.1.

First tried using the OTA driver from Bryan Copeland which I used before to refresh many Zooz switches and dimmers. Tried the 1.01 version but it seemed foreign so went to the 1.00 that I used before. Set the url for the source file and clicked run but the update never happened. Eventually saw a line that said wake up sleepy device. I tried pushing the button on the ZAC36 to wake it up but that didn't seem to help.

Then I went and tried the built in app Device Firmware Updater. Got that running and successfully got the image file from Zooz uploaded to Hubitat. Then went to Update Z-Wave Firmware and set the firmware target to below


Not sure why it says Version: 2.0 in second line when it says 2R10 in third line source file?

selected start firmware update and it just sat in this state forever


Not sure where I went wrong. Any help appreciated...

The 2.0 is what the device is reporting, th 2R10 is the file you are about to flash.

How is it paired, mesh or LR? Security S2?
Are you updated to Hubitat platform 2.4.0 ?

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I have 2 Titans (1 paired LR, 1 paired s2-mesh), and recently updated both to 2.10 using the built-in updater app -- both updates were quick & smooth.

Improvements were made to the built-in updater somewhat recently -- I don't recall exactly when, but using the latest version of it is essential in at least some cases (LR or s2-mesh pairing).

I discovered the hard way that it's necessary to reboot the hub (just via UI is fine) between each update attempt, whether or not that attempt was successful.

If you don't reboot, any subsequent update attempt will take forever (12+ hours) and thus have a much greater chance of failing.

My next suggestion may not be as essential, but between each update attempt (or when I'm done with my last update), I purge the uploaded file and remove the updater app.

I only re-add the app (and load an update file) when I need to do an update; otherwise, all update files and that updater app are kept cleared off my system.


I only did one, on a ZEN55 800LR, paired LR, and it was indeed fast.

On a related note, my older ZAC36 is at 1.13, and it's going to stay that way. :slight_smile:

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While the device is a LR device I just paired it as a mesh device but I did use S2 security as I had problem with a deadbolt (battery powered) that wouldn't pair without S2.

Just rebooted Hubitat and after being on all night the ZAC36 is still at 2.00

I did notice the ZAC36 was flashin red then yellow then green LEDs a couple hours into the flash. I rebooted it and it went green but maybe that interupted the flash.

This OTA stuff seems very flaky. I don't get why it isn't more robust and intuitive by now. The amount of progress indication (messages, percent complete bar, step x of y complete, ...) is really insufficient. Feel like a patched together lab utility and not a production offering. OK enough of my rant...

Anyway I'll try again but any suggestions from those more familiar appreciated.

p.s. is this one of those times you should move the hub right next to the device being flashed? My hub is 30-40' away and not line of sight.

pps, sign of life. transferring firmware is showing progress 1% didn't see that before.... maybe its working now

You never said if you are updated to hub platform 2.4.0
I asked specific questions to taylor a response.

You will want to be updated to current platform and I would use the built in firmware updater app which has finally been fixed to work for S2 devices.

Shut down and unplug the hub and device both for 30 seconds and then power back up. After everything settles in after a few minutes then start the update. The clean boot gives you the best chance for success.

Also if you have any very chatty power meters or sensors might be best to shut them down so you have less noise.

If you want to see more info turn on debug logging on the device, and then open the logs. This can flood so many logs though that it will slow down the hub and the update. I usually only do this to see it is working and once it starts flowing at a good pace I shut the debug off.

It may help if the above does not get it going faster. You will want to run a configure or something on the device to get it talking after moving the hub. Hopefully it will re-route to a direct connection and then the update should work well.

It should not take more than 15 minutes to transfer, you can wait it out for hours on end but personally if its tracking to take much longer than 15 minutes I abort.

Final option is to use a USB stick as a secondary controller and update from that using a laptop placed right next to the device. I have had good success with this as well.

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