I had been meaning to do this for awhile since I hadn't seen anyone else set it up yet.
While there are certain plugins that have been built to do historical monitoring of Hubitat devices, I hadn't seen any implemented that have the stability of Zabbix for longer-term monitoring.
Zabbix is enterprise grade monitoring and is (free) open source software.
Its typical use case is for organizations to monitor their IT infrastructure and network performance. Aside from monitoring of devices, it enables alerts and automation based on device conditions.
Frankly its overkill for Hubitat. You probably wouldn't be using Hubitat in an enterprise environment where Zabbix is found.
I already run Zabbix at home to monitor other things. Since I'm familiar with Zabbix, developing the programming to interpret data from Hubitat's API and Maker API is pretty easy.
This is great news! I've been banging my head against a wall trying to get Zabbix discovery working using the Hubitat MakerAPI for months now. I'm eager to check this out - thanks for sharing!
Since I hadn't gotten discovery working right, I've been able to manually configure Zabbix items to monitor zWave sensors for things like temperature, humidity, etc, but it requires statically specifying the order in which sensor data appears in the API. For example, a temp/humidity sensor will report temperature values as the first result (position 0) and humidity values as the second result (position 1). Then after a Hubitat update, those can sometimes flip-flop which makes a mess of the Zabbix data. I'm eager to test out your template to see if it's able to intelligently survive that.