Z-wave starting to misbehave

In this thread I was so happy I thought I fixed the z-wave issues by hanging the dongle high up in the room via a long USB extension cord. But after a while it gave up reporting events from various sensors and I removed the cable. Everything seemed to be fine for a few days but now it has stopped completely. Restarting hub and/or dongle doesn't help anymore. Think it is broken.

Any suggestions where to start troubleshooting?

I have been experiencing similar Z-Wave issues and had been experimenting with various hub positions with the worse position being where I had the hub when I joined all the devices. I established my mesh joining from the inside out but something I found odd was that the last switch I added is the first one accessed when doing an Z-Wave repair - all the other devices show up in node number order. So I got my 50 foot network cable and re-positioned the hub closer to that switch and things ran well. I tried excluding, factory reset and rejoining that switch but it would always be the first one in the repair and the hub needed to be close to it for things to work well. In the end I swapped that switch with another one from the room where I wanted the hub and everything is much better.

All my switches are GE Enbrighten Z-Plus models with all being S2 versions with one exception being a slightly older non S2 version and that is the switch needing to be close to the hub.

I'm leaning toward getting a UZB3 dongle and setup for Zniffing to better understand what is going on.

@RikH you've stumped me with this one. Best guess, is that the 5M cable was dropping the voltage on the usb bus enough that the dongle was operating at the hairy edge of OK, and perhaps operating at that low voltage degraded it.

That's 100% pure, unadulterated speculation, based on absolutely nothing but circumstantial evidence and ballyhoo.

Testing with an alternate Zwave stick..might be an option. You might want to put a support ticket in, as somebody on staff might have an idea.

Zniffing as @gd_brock suggests sounds reasonable as well, although if your Z-stick is down the Zniffer wouldn't have anything to zniff, can it be the master controller and still zniff?


Well I dived a little deeper into this. The z-wave network is there or it is not. Sometimes the list with "Z-wave Radio Devices" is empty and sometimes everything is there. And sometimes when everything is there everything is working and sometimes nothing is going.

I've asked support and they asked me some standard questions. I thought I answered them but now I see it is not sent but still in concepts. Dammit! Sent it now, hope help is on its way! Sorry @Bobby...