Z-Wave Sniffing, Zniffing And You: A Guide To Pulling Packets From Thin Air

did you find the software etc? i cant find anything?

Are you just trying to get the Zniffer software, or flash the UZB to be a sniffer?

Both. Going to see if I can make the nortec zigbee and z-wave stick a zigbee and z-wave zniffer

Here are the tools referenced in the guide below. The current Zniffer program you can get through the "Simplicity Studio".

Programmer (to flash the firmware) Dropbox - Z-Wave Programmer.zip - Simplify your life

Old Zniffer Standalone Software: Dropbox - Z-Wave Programmer.zip - Simplify your life

many thanks. any idea how to install all i get is this?

Install by Technology, and then I think you pick Gecko Something (maybe). Then I usually do custom and deselect everything optional except PC Controller and Zniffer. You do not need to install the actual full SDK, it is huge and just a bunch of development files.

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Yea I think that's too late :person_facepalming: been taking ages. Hopefully I can remove it later.

It always takes ages, and yes you can go into the Install options and uncheck/uninstall any extra junk later. The most annoying thing about the SDK is it always gets updates as well.