Z Wave Routing Defies All Reason

When I originally tested many months ago, this was true for both the Aeotec and the Ring.

Several weeks ago I did a huge amount of testing with both the Aeotec RE7 and the Ring RE2 to look at radio signal signal strength. During this testing, I repeated my prior experiments for both. I am no longer able to reproduce the failure to respond issue with the Aeotec RE7, or the failure to report battery/mains transitions with the Ring RE2. I have been running both without security for a few weeks without issue.

My original testing of the Aeotec was with an older firmware so this might be a possible explanation for the Aeotec, but I'm skeptical. The Ring however, has had no firmware updates. The only change that I've made regarding the Ring has been within my driver, but I'm not aware of anything that would have specifically fixed that issue. My best guess is that one of the many changes in the underlying C7 implementation coincidentally fixed the issues with both the Aeotec and the Ring, but I have no direct evidence other than my inability to reproduce either issue.

FWIW, I've been meaning to put a post together related to the signal strength testing, but I haven't had time. Here's the short version: If you have a UPS to plug it into, the Aeotec is a clear win. The Ring radio performance is pretty poor, coming in around 8dB below the Aeotec, both for 908.42Mhz (9.6/40kb) and for 916Mhz (100kb). It also has serious problems with power test settings... most settings have no effect, but the -8dB setting actually increases power by almost 8dB. I assume (hope) that this these things are something that can be corrected with a firmware update. When I have a chance, I'm planning to reach out to Ring support regarding the issues. I'll follow up with more if I hear back from them.