Z-Wave Repair Takes 4 Hours?

I ran a z-wave repair last night and it took 4 hours to complete. I have 27 z-wave nodes. It completed successfully with no errors, but it just seems like a crazy amount of time. When I was on Wink, it was just a 5-10 minute process to completion.

I also noticed my hub running extremely slow last night, showing "no response" when trying to access the web interface. So I rebooted it before I ran the repair.

What would cause it to take so long?


4 hours for Zwave is nothing compared to Zigbee that can take days to update it's mesh.

A Z-Wave Repair shouldn't take that long with so few devices. Are you running the Z-Wave Poller app? That one caused my Repairs to take ages.

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Yes I have z-wave poller running because I have 17 devices that don't report.

You might want to try turning off the poller app while you are running a repair.


I have 59 zwave devices, 15 of which are battery and do not repeat, and the longest zwave repair I've had was 1 hour.

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I did a ZWave repair Friday on my smaller 75 zwave plus device hub, and it took less than an hour. 68 mains powered, 7 battery.

Ok I deleted the polling app altogether and now it completes in 15 minutes or so. Polling must be very noisy, otherwise something else is awry. Thanks for the guidance.


@dan4 you can consider setting up an RM rule to selectively poll or refresh devices that most often get manually switched. With RM you will have control over how often and when.
I have a couple of non-plus Zwave devices left and moved them to infrequently used areas. I would start slowly replacing your most concerning devices. There are some great new devices.


Polling slowed my hub down to a crawl. I think that @zarthan's suggestion to selectively poll/refresh via RM is excellent.


I had polling turned on because I had some GE Z-Wave switches which weren’t updating their status in Hubitat when operating the physical switch. Z-wave network repairs didn’t solve it. I enabled polling on those devices and it fixed it.

However, as I dug in further yesterday, I am finding that I can eliminate polling altogether by removing and re-adding those “broken” devices that wouldn’t report their status. Somehow when they were originally added, something prevented them from accurately reporting status (even though I could control them via Hubitat). After that, all of my previously “broken” devices are now updating status properly. No need for polling now, thankfully.



Somewhat new to all of this and not sure what is being discussed here. What is Z-Wave repair and how do I know when my Z-Wave needs repairing? I have about 12 devices including 3 battery powered thermostats and all of my apps are running well. What is a poller app?

This is a pretty old thread and has some dated info.

A full zwave repair is rarely if ever needed on the C7 hub. The poller app is also not needed with most zwave devices, just older ones that don't have the "plus" designation.

Check out the following for best practices while building out your zwave network.

The biggest two issues I see with zwave networks are not enough repeating devices and ghost devices. Both can result in inconsistent zwave delays and reliability.

The zwave details page on the setup screen provides a lot of helpful into but takes a bit of practice. If you want to post a screen shot we can take a look and give you a sense of how solid your zwave mesh is. Example:

RTT avg is an indication of how quickly the device reports events and gets commands. 1ms is pretty good. If that's too large you'll notice a lag when the device reports or when you send a command to the device. RSSI is basically how strong the signal strenth is above the noise level. When you get down to the single digits that can indicate an issue, and certainly anything negative can be problematic. Neighbors indicates how many other devices this device can hear, a good measure of mesh strength. And the number of route changes (since last reboot) should be low. If it starts to climb that can be an indicator of a poor mesh. Looking at the other side, that's the number of hops between the router and the device. In this case, the device is directly connected to the router. And a connection speed of 100kbps is the max, so that's cool too. The options are 100, 40, and 9.6. I have a couple of 9.6 devices... they work fine so I don't sweat the slow speed.

If you have devices that have no route, or that has a "discover" button, or that has no name, then that is likely a ghost created by an incomplete inclusion and those need to be addressed.

But of course the old addage "if it ain't broke..." still applies! Sometimes I see things in my mesh that I think should cause problems but the devices work just fine.


With Z-Wave plus devices, this is really not needed. The mesh will adjust to changing conditions automatically.