Tracking down lags from switch to zigbee bulb

Hi - I'm noticing lags turning on certain lights and I'd like to figure out if there's a particular place in the chain that is introducing the delay. Here's the pathway:

  • Zwave switch paired to C7 hub
  • Button controller app on same C7 hub
  • C7 linked to C5 via Hub Mesh
  • Hue bulbs controlled by Hue hub paired to C5 or sengled zigbee bulbs on C5

Both hubs on previous OS version from current (haven't updated to most recent release)

Not sure if Hub Mesh typically introduces noticeable delay or it could be the C5 being busy or delay in the Button Controller app. Not sure best way to trace the time it takes at each step.

The lag is 1-2 seconds which feels very long when you're waiting for the lights to come on in a dark room.

Not sure if this is helpful by itself but here's the C5 App activity log. Apps total time is 16h out of 8d uptime.

And device activity with same up time

Dining Rm Ceiling is actually an Advanced Hue Integration group

I'm gonna guess this is a zwave mesh issue on the C7 but here are a couple questions that will help confirm my otherwise wild guess.

If you manipulate the devices directly from your c7 devices page instead of from the zwave switch does the lag still occur? If not, I'd suspect a zwave mesh issue that is causing delays in events getting from the zwave switch on the C7 to the hub. If yes, try going to the V5 and manipulating the devices there. If it goes away then maybe it is a mesh issue but I kinda doubt it.

I would also turn on logging for all the devices and rules in question. Comparing the time stamps should help you track down the source of the lag.

And to answer your mesh question... while there is theoretically SOME delay I've never seen enough to be noticeable. Are you using TCP or UDP to connect the two? UDP is faster, though TCP is more reliable (in general). If UDP works reliably that's what I'd use.

If you can also post a screen shot of your C7 zwave details page that will tell us a lot about the health of the C7 zwave mesh.

Hi Brad -
Thanks for the response. Do you mean the Zwave Details page in Settings? It's very long - will take a lot of screen shots to get it all. Or did you mean something else?

Yeah that's what I meant but if it's that long maybe we can just point out what to look for... do all of your devices have routes, are there any "discover" buttons, do all your RTT times look good (like sub-20ms), and are all your RSSIs above 0 or even better above single digits?

Take a look at what I wrote in this post... it may help you diagnose an issue short of posting all that stuff.

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