Z-Wave Repair Failures

Can't find any recent posts about this, so creating one.

I noticed the last few days response times seemed to slow down. Re-booted hub, no help. Did a Z-wave repair. Probably 75% of the items showed failed. Topology map is more red than blue. In the Z-wave details all but one of the devices shows direct connect to the hub. I assume that means no meshing. I know it used to be meshed or routed. I did a shutdown, unplug. Did another repair after that, still same result.

As near as i can tell all the devices are working, just Slow. I haven't added or removed any devices for quite some time.

Forgot to mention: C8,

You should post the topology map.

The route showing direct connection is good actually, it does not mean there is no mesh, just that devices are not utilizing it.

When you shut down how long did you unplug it? At least 30 seconds is recommended so the z-wave radio can fully power down and restart.

@j715 in addition to the toplolgy map, please post your z-wave details page in it's entirety (use windows snip)

A couple minutes.

I can't quite figure out how to get the whole thing on the screen at once. Never used the snipping tool, so that's not helping either. I don't really know if red is bad, just seems like it ought to be.

Again can't figure out how to get the whole thing on the screen to do this without making it several shots.

Agreed as long as the signal is good enough. It is the slowdown that concerns me.

I did just now notice a node that doesn't seem to exist. No corresponding device. Not sure where that came from or what it might have been. Doesn't seem to want to remove.

Its fine to make several shots. Just include the complete page...(columns and whatnot)


Here we go. I just recently upgraded from Windows 10 to 11. I can see now I liked the way 10 did this stuff better than 11 does..:frowning:

0-x71 is a ghost and needs removed. It will hinder your mesh. Otherwise things look fine but that ghost has to go.

She donna wanna go. Like to know where it came from. I'm not missing any devices that I am aware of, or none that aren't working.

Ghosts are typically created from failed pairings. If it becomes too stubborn you may need a z-wave stick to remove it.

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In the past when I couldn’t remove a ghost, I powered cycled the hub then I could remove the ghost.

That's what I thought, but I hadn't added, or removed, any device for a couple months.

Yep had to dig out the stick. Then I had to find the instructions. What a day.....

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Yeah, I found a "surprise" ghost device recently, also. There was no way to remove it from the hub--so I, too, had to get the USB stick out to zap it.

No clue what that even was, as I didn't recall it being there previously and it has been some time since had a failed z-wave pairing (or any z-wave pairing for that matter).

I've also noticed some odd "slowness" in the 2.3.9 version at random times (e.g., nothing works for like 30=90 seconds then things start happening). Rebooting with a 30-60sec power-off only marginally helps for a bit but it happens again after a bit.

With my C-8, it seems to reach the devices generally better/more directly than my C-7--but I just noticed that a couple devices that are within 6 feet of the hub are bouncing through other (farther) devices. A few devices around my house have 3 hops even (generally, going out of their way). I have long been suspicious that such things happen when the hub is tied up & doesn't respond with the necessary ACKs in a timely fashion, so the devices freak out and try alternate routes (then, when a circuitous one works, it sticks with it). I had things rather cleaned up a few days ago (I don't think anything had more than 2 hops and most only had 1)--now, several have 2-3 hops. So, something created some issues recently for me as well.

What concerns me about this, is what can cause the problem. Why would a ghost just show up out of the blue?

What are the different things that can cause it? I didn’t add or remove any devices.
Can an existing device just go bonkers?
Can a power blip do it? My hub is on an ups so that should be ok. Obviously my mains powered devices would go off, and I have several of those. But power failures are a fact of life even though rare.

Frustrating to not have any means to detect what happened.

Failed pairing or improperly removing a device. Ghosts don't appear spontaneously

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Then it’s even more puzzling as I haven’t added or removed a Zwave device in probably over 2 months. And the issue just showed up. Thinking about it, the last time was probably closer to 6 months ago.

Curious, did you do a migration to a C8 or was it done from scratch?

I did a migration, but that was even longer ago. Have to do some research to figure out when that was.

The reason I ask, is that the ghost may have been present in the c7 and moved with the c8 and you didn't notice. Just a thought.

As near as I can tell, I did the migration almost a year ago. I remember having a ghost once before and had to buy the USB stick to get rid of it. Looks like I bought the stick about a year ago also.

The last Zwave item I paired was in November of last year.

Not sure what to tell ya. As I said, only 2 ways they can be created.