Z-Wave receptacle with light

I'm a recent convert from ISY/INSTEON and have just purchased my HE. I am now starting to purchase Z-Wave devices to replace my INSTEON. One device I'm having some difficulty finding is a Z-Wave receptacle/outlet which has a LED indicator. Does anyone happen to know of one which works with HE?

The old GE/Jasco's used to have one, but the new Enbrighten ones don't seem to have one.

ENERWAVE Z-Wave Plus Wall Outlet with Smart Meter Energy Monitor <-- that has a tiny hole as if it has a LED.

@csteele ... thanks for the reply. I did find the ENERWAVE outlet on Amazon but the customer reviews are not very good.

I have 6-8 of the GE Jasco's that have the LED.. kinda bright. Which might be the reason they are 1) coming without; or 2) have the led buried inside so it just makes the outlet glow. Hard to tell just from pics, but I'm sure someone in the Community has Enbrighten outlets.

PS.. you can edit your own posts by clicking the little pencil icon. :slight_smile:

Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 1.38.38 PM

The new Jasco zigbee outlets have LEDs. So go figure.

Edit - the push button lights up, so I guess it isn't technically an exposed led per se.

The Leviton z-wave outlets have LED indicators. They're z-wave (not z-wave plus) but have been rock solid on my z-wave network.

Even Honeywell, which is Jasco, has lost the LED.

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I noticed. Saved all of 3 cents in manufacturing costs!


I know zero about Zwidget but heard about them either here or on ST community. Have a way to change out center piece of outlet and one is zwave and has light option. Documentation hints of zigbee too though don’t see it on website.

Thanks for the link... I only need a couple so not so concerned about not being Z-Wave Plus.

Whoa now that's a unique approach... might have to purchase one just to evaluate and see if I can get it working.

You should be... Remember that any zwave plus device repeating through that outlet gets slowed down to zwave non-plus speeds (100kb to 40kb speed hit}.


I did hear about Swidget here from this thread:

You may post there to see how they are working for other HE users.

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$78/outlet. Ouch!

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All my GE/Jasco Zwave-plus and Zigbee have the LED indicator in the on/off button.

Having said that, the Zigbee are definitely the newer enbrighten line, id have to do some digging to see what models I have in the Zwave Plus line.

Confirmed, the Jasco Enbrighten ZW1002 (GE 14288) has the LED in the switch button, which appears to work exactly as @Tim-in-Ca describes. Mine are all default on if the controlled receptacle is on, but as Tim said, you can reverse it as well.


I just installed a GE Enbrighten receptacle Amazon Link

The On/Off button (which is fairly large) illuminates. The built in driver allows me to control the LED. Since mine is installed in a closet that connects to an LED light I installed, I have it set up so that the light is ON when the outlet is off. Its pretty large and visible.


Here’s a pic of the light when on. Just took this pic.



That's ingenious! :smiley:

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Yes they are as proud of their devices as Aeotec. I said same thing when looking at the Water Sensor 6.

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That's how the zigbee version is too. Of course 1st thing I did is turn the LED off altogether. lol I don't want a light.