Z wave problems

Yep that I could test that I unplug all outlet's and try once again. I'm 99,9% sure that it is the one that I have been handling but you never know.
I'm afraid that this is database issue and it's just corrupted and there's nothing I can do with it. Hopefully support or someone can.

Okay...tested one by one. Did not help.

Reading back through this, when you hit Refresh and then Remove it looks like the proper sequence is being attempted but times out. Could keep trying this path, but it may be time to grab a Z-stick and try removing it.

What is that z-stick thing that you are talking about? Is that a way to remove ghost devices from z-wave list?

It's less and less needed as time marches on and more of the functionality is implemented within SiLabs SDK for the 700 series. But using the method above doesn't use the SDK or anything 700 series related. (Using a UZB700 with PC Controller uses the serial interface and thus is functionally identical to a UZB500.) One must believe that eventually SiLabs will get all caught up on the bugs and distribute a SDK we can live with. (Meaning the bugs that remain are too obscure to hit us daily or even monthly.)

While we wait for that golden day, using a UZB500 and PC Controller software on a PC can reduce frustration, somewhat. :smiley:


So did I got it right.. it's this what I need:


I'm not familiar w/that particular model, but it looks right. Amazon for those of us that don't read Dutch?

Looks like it's a 500 series.

Okay. So based on that information model should be: ZMEEUZB1 ?
Here's link in english:

..that wasn't by the way dutch.. :smiley: It's Finnish. One of the easiest languages to learn and speak.

Darn it! It didn't look quite like Dutch but I couldn't tell what else it might be. At least I was kind of in the general neighborhood. :slight_smile:

And yes, that should work fine, though I have no experience w/that particular model.

I understand that even little children can speak Finnish. Is that true?