Okay, having some Z-Wave issues, but not sure what the problem is. A few weeks ago, I successfully switched one of my First Alert Z-Wave smoke detectors from ST to HE. I've been recently trying to switch over the rest, but Exclusion/Reset/Inclusion process isn't working. Between the first and second smoke alarms, there have been at least 2 HE Updates. I also used this write-up ( Dropbox - Hubitat UZB Stick How-To.pdf - Simplify your life ) to remove some ghost nodes from my HE hub two weeks ago. Everything seemed to be working fine until a few days ago, when I realized my Homeseer 200+ wasn't updating the LEDs (to let me know which doors are open.) Now I have several nodes that are acting weird, slow, or not at all. I've not been able to exclude/include any devices to the hub. I've done a couple of Z-Wave repairs, and just now unplugged the hub for 30 minutes to see if it would rebuild my network. I plugged my Aeotec Z-Stick with PC Controller to see if it would exclude my ST devices (smoke detectors and Zen15 plug), and that worked perfectly. Any advice on the best way to troubleshoot this?
[EDIT] I just remembered, I also added two Zen25 switches, which have a bad history with HE. Only one was plugged in, but I'll remove it and see if things improve.
[EDIT] Both Zen25s were excluded with Aoetech Z-stick. They still show in the HE device list, though. Do I just delete those?
Yes, you can go to the device page and check at the bottom of the page if they are used by anything before deleting them. You will also get a warning if they are used somewhere. Remove them from those apps / rules and then you can delete them. (You can create a virtual device as a placeholder for your rules if you want.)
Good idea. Do you happen to have devices paired with S0 security? Other than with locks, this should be avoided and they should be paired with no security as much as possible.
There are also other devices that don’t play well with Hubitat’s C7 hub like the Zooz 4-in-1 sensors and the Inovelli Bulbs (older firmware).
You may also want to pay attention to devices that report their power usage. Reducing their reporting to a minimum helps settle things down.
As for your Z-Wave Repair, are most of the Failed Nodes battery operated devices? If so, it is normal that they fail.
You mentioned that you removed your Ghost devices, so I assume you have none left? Those can cause issues.
I have also had times where the Z-Wave mesh became unstable and things stopped working right. Removing problematic devices and letting the mesh stabilize helps a lot!
Ok, there were three ghosts....apparently bad inclusions by the smoke detectors and Zen plugs. I also had a ghost on my Aeotech, apparently. Resetting the stick solved that problem. I can now do Z-Wave inclusion again.
[EDIT] Some of my Z-Wave devices are still slow or not registering though.