Z-Wave Devices w/ Missing or Incomplete Drivers

@mike.maxwell Appreciating the new features in 2.2.3 already (for one I really like the display of routes in the z-wave details page), but I don't think I am seeing this hail support - I didn't see it mentioned in the release notes so maybe it didn't make this version?

With a Leviton VRI06, when using my hacked driver it actively updates status on receiving a hail. I'm not sure if I should expect this behavior when returning to a more standard driver (I think the default for the VRI06 is "Generic Z-wave CentralScene Dimmer"). If I switch back to this driver, or to "Generic Z-wave dimmer", I see this in the log:

dev:662020-08-13 11:23:29.486 pm debugskip: Hail()
dev:662020-08-13 11:23:29.474 pm debugparse description: zw device: 07, command: 8201, payload: , isMulticast: false

and no status update. Am I missing something?

For my modified driver I took this driver: Change light level value without turning on light but altered this function...

private zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.hailv1.Hail cmd) {
    // createEvent(name: "hail", value: "hail", descriptionText: "Switch button was pressed", displayed: false)

a naive approach no doubt but it seemed to have the desired effect.