YoLink Hub 3

So, I finally received an email from YoLink announcing the Hub 3

Unfortunately, by the time I saw the email (5 hours later), it was already sold out.

I have high hopes (perhaps too high) that this would allow local integration through Matter with @kkossev ’s driver.

Did anybody manage to get a hold of one ?

Maybe @sburke781 ?

I've never actually done anything with YoLink myself. Could it have been someone else you had in mind?

My bad! Sorry for the noise. I meant maybe @SteveBarcus, who developed [RELEASE - BETA] - "YoLink™ Device Service" app and drivers to connect Hubitat™ to YoLink™ devices


From the limited discussions I've seen, this new hub doesn't allow local control. It's main features are an internal battery backup and cellular network access to the cloud.

Sad face…. So they ditched their announced Matter hub ?

Last thing I saw on the Discord discussions was that Matter will be released as a firmware update later on. It's being released without it at first. No time frame.

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So local support for a cellular hub? Why?

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I don’t care about the cellular part, only the local support… but I will buy the hub if it means I get to integrate with Matter. I can ditch the SIM card…

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I do like the SIM card option for my vacation home. Currently we shutdown the wifi in the winter and this means that all sensors will keep running.

Regarding matter, is it possible that the current hubs will be upgraded to support it or do they not have the hardware in them?

There is specifically a new Hub (Model 1606 I believe) that supports the local API and matter integration. - See: Local Hub – YoLink

I dont believe there are plans to add this integration to the older 1605, or eariler hubs.
Sorry, I realize that not what you likely wanted to hear..

I didn't realize the Hub 3 and the new hub here were different. At various times I landed on the info page on their web site for both of them and because they are using the same case I just assumed they were the same thing.

So I inadvertently took this thread in the wrong direction. I saw all of the posts in March and didn't pay attention to the fact that they were last year!

Sorry! Probably should start a new thread on the Local Hub