Yaaaaaaaaaaas! (Tuya AM43 Blinds Drive)

Make sure you're not holding it upsidedown and accidentally hitting the up button. Start zigbee pairing on the hub first (don't do it by brand or type) then press and hold the down button till blue light flash and let go (don't keep holding) and wait

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I was moving to a new hub today, and can confirm again, hold mode button and down till blue light flashes and then start zigbee pairing on the hub. Joined right up

I wonder if my issue is, the HE is in the office, there is only maybe 10m distance to the blind, but there is a double concrete block wall separating them

As the hub sits in my office which is a converted garage, perhaps a repeayer is needed. As said, this is my first zigbee item

Well the way to find out is to pair the unit directly next to the hubitat then go into the device page and see if it can be controlled. If it can then you have your answer.

Haha, yeah man.

Always wondered what zigbee stuff was gonna be like.

Fingers crossed for later

So, still unsuccessful in zigbee pairing, but was able to connect the device to the tuya app through bluetooth with my phone.

I bought the tuya Am43 blinds curtain product and I couldn't pair it, I did what they already said to hold it (set + down) I also tried to hold it (set + up) and I can't pair it, I'm very upset and I see that there are several people who are also with difficulties.

Does anyone know another way? I tried with Tuya, smart life...
need help!! =/

Install @kkosevs driver from HPM first. Make sure you're not holding it upsidedown and accidentally hitting the up button. Start zigbee pairing on the hub first (don't do it by brand or type) then press and hold the down button till blue light flash and let go (don't keep holding) and wait

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