[WITHDRAWN] Unofficial Ring Integration

Who are the "more and more" developers? I know of like 2 that I've ever seen do this


Was referring to the post above mine from @cwwilson08.

Disclaimer: Any opinions post by me are entirely my own.


And I clicked the wrong topic when replying... oops. I know of only one other developer who "pulled" his apps which is @cobra. That said, all of his stuff is available still, you just need to sign up on his website. So let's really say 1.5 developers who removed their stuff.

Remember too, and I'm not trying to start any issues, but codahq did release his code under the Apache license. Anyone is allowed to republish it on github (I'm sure there are several forks out there already!) and allowed to even continue his work and add more features. It's the beauty of open source licensing. So really what we lose here isn't what he HAS DONE, but rather what he WOULD DO in the future since he was a talented developer who had a lot of great ideas of how to make the Ring integration better.


Ok.. I could be offended here... am I only 0.5 of a developer?? :crazy_face:

And before anyone takes this the wrong way, obviously (to most) I am joking!



Oh dear that's such a shame.
You did a fantastic job with this app and I was hoping your next release was going to include Ring modes.
Never mind and good luck in whatever you decide to do next.
Keep safe.

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Does anyone have a full copy of the handlers and apps? I have a few of them, but only ever installed the ones I was using.

Can we get a new repo up under HubitatCommunity guidance? HubitatCommunity ยท GitHub @csteele - sorry for the ping here, but it seems like you're the controller of the community organization.

It's unfortunate that a personality conflict with a single person resulted in the entire community being arbitrarily punished here.


I feel that wording is a little harsh, the key to @codahq's whole post was - to paraphrase - "this is no longer fun". We're not being punished, a community member simply no longer feels like putting time and effort into something that doesn't feel rewarding. That's entirely their call, they owe us nothing at all.

It's easy to feel like we're losing out, and the last thing we need or want is torches and pitchforks. I'm not saying @ardichoke was calling for that, it's just easy to slide down that slope. The whole situation is actually quite the opposite to losing out, we've already gained massively by what's been released into the wild. There's no blame to assigned here, it's just people being people.

It's all too easy to get riled and feel aggrieved via the medium of text, we can't really gauge intent or delivery so I'll just finish with "live long and prosper" :slight_smile:

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I'm absolutely not calling to pitchforks and/or torches. Pulling the code down, however, does feel like punishing the community. Of course anyone is entitled to not put time and effort into something if they don't want to anymore, but actively removing that code from the public domain is effectively a (small) act of destruction and does hurt the community.

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Or Steve's the half. You and he went the 'subscription repo' path at nearly the same time, but he's here half the year.. so I'm thinking he's the half. :smiley:

"And before anyone takes this the wrong way, obviously (to most) I am joking!" Ditto :smiley:


Interesting and telling for sure. If either of you are in California there are laws that cover the employee in this case. If a request is made in writing about salary the details must be provided. I am not a lawyer, but I hire people regularly around the US.

Disappointing to hear that the developers of the Hubitat platform are not able to work with the development community in a way that makes sense.

Bummer for everyone involved.

In the interest of learning (I am no legal scholar), may I ask what law covers this and what makes it "telling"? You used the word "employee" as @codahq will confirm, he is NOT an employee, he was an "applicant" which is very different.


Apologies you are correct, I used the word employee when I did in fact mean applicant as you have correctly pointed out. And I should have said salary range. Also on me.

For continued learning see point 5 on link below...


I wasn't even an applicant. All I wanted to know was whether or not it was worth applying. For reference, it was not.

On the basis that it's never worth moving unless you are gaining at least 20% over current compensation (that is unless you are unhappy where you are or need to make a geographical change) it seems entirely reasonable to ask for a ballpark compensation amount prior to applying. Saves time for everyone involved and is common practice in my experience (which is extensive, having hired people in UK, Europe and Asia).


I hire people all the time in a professional setting. Super commentary at least have a starting salary to offer

It's unfortunate the way things went. I just moved from Wink to HE, and one of the many things attractive in Hubitat was potential of integration with Ring. Now that's gone! While I respect @codahq decision and sorry about the circumstances, I hope he changes his mind and starts redistributing his work.

Not gone, just paused. the code is still free to use, and if someone reposts it on github correctly we can still use it. but this is f*** heartbreaking even then. because the community development separates this platform from others.


I just wanted to add my thanks to @codahq for the great work and assistance. I'm sorry things have gone this way but I respect your right to take a stand.

Hope you can find a way to proceed that works out for you.


Edit: GitHub - cmorse/ring_hubitat_codahq at modes-dev is only 8 days old and has the modes/snapshot code. Might be everyone's best bet

I do not plan to support or maintain this at all, just posting a link to a fork so something is available to the community. While I respect it is his right to take his code down, I'm not really a fan of punishing bystanders because of a disagreement you have with one person...

A note - guess the moral of the story is people should fork repos they care about :frowning: