[WITHDRAWN] Unofficial Ring Integration

Yes it shows up there.

When I shove the URL into the web browser I see this.

I think i figured it out. appears to be resolved. the link that gets generated when you go into the app and configure for IFTTT on my setup wasn't correct. the token its supposed to append wasn't correct. i went into the app via the gear icon and found the token there. appended that to the end of the link and pasted in a browser. that returned the JSON value we expected. so i dumped the new string into IFTTT. i think its good now.

@codahq I don't know if you watch for github activity or not, but I just opened a pull request adding panic button support.

Weirdly coincidental. I'm just acquired a panic button on Saturday and added support for it. It's just not checked in. Also, I've received a retrofit kit and a flood/freeze sensor. Even though I already added support for both the flood/freeze sensor and retro kit via proxy I wanted one so I can stay on top of changes and see what else there is to see.

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Awesome. Thank you.
Question about the panic button, does it behave like a standard button that triggers Ring monitoring alert or any specific fanciness from Ring you can do with the driver?

If I add more devices to my Ring system, will they automatically appear or will I have to add new devices in Hubitat?

I'm not sure what you mean. When it's paired to Ring or when it's paired to HE directly? When paired to Ring it will keep acting like it acts. From HE you will just get a button, battery and tamper (and the other data I always provide).

An example of specific fanciness?

You have to discover them if they're non-websocket devices or click the create devices button if they are websocket devices.

You answered my question. Thank you!

I'm not sure the difference between non-websocket and websocket devices. I added a new Ring Motion Sensor to my Ring Alarm base station.

First post of this topic. Adding new devices was also in the FAQ.

Am I losing my mind, or has the code been taken down off GitHub? All the links in the original post are 404ing for me.

You are not losing your mind, I am seeing the same thing :frowning:

At least for the time being I will not be contributing any further to the Hubitat platform and I've made the hubitat related repositories private.

Unfortunate. Seems more and moe developers going this way and pulling their code.

Best of luck to you!!

Ouch. What happened?

I'm sorry to hear that, your knowledge, help and code have been greatly appreciated.

Good luck with your future projects.

This is really unfortunate to hear, why take this route instead of leaving your code available to the community and just noting that you're no longer developing it? At least that way, the community would have the option of forking it to continue work on it....

TBH this is more than unfortunate. The development community was one of my (and I am sure many others) main reasons for choosing Hubitat. It's the work that is done by people like @codahq that make Hubitat a complete solution for many people. I would like to hear from the Hubitat Owners what they are doing to make sure people like this come back. Additionally would like to understand why "more and more" developers are doing this and what is being done to prevent it. @codahq thank you for the work you have done, I do not have insight into why you pulled your code, it's your code, your call. I just wanted to say thank you and that I hope you are able to contribute again soon.


Would be nice if you put something in the original post so we don't have to scroll all the way down to see you pulled it.

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