Will Hubitat support Matter? [Spoiler: YES]

I think this is positioned like the WiFi story / pattern. Before WiFi was standardized, there were a range of wireless networking technologies (Proxim RangeLAN, IrDA, others ...) - but all were expensive and limited distribution. Along came WiFi and all those proprietary radio LAN vendors did lose control, but the massive expansion of the market made up for it.

Hue has been chugging along in spite of the proliferation of cheap Zigbee devices. They differentiate by allowing certain non-hue devices but limit the capabilities. I see the same thing happening here.

Apple seems to be doing Apple proprietary things per usual - their own thread implementation etc.

Amazon is quietly supporting a variety of things and maybe flying under the radar.

Not sure what Google is doing but haven't really done any research.

These players are large enough to be able to control the destiny of their own platforms. I can't see them completely abandoning things to embrace complete "openness" and "interoperability" all of a sudden.. doesn't quite make sense from a business perspective especially when you have the threat of the Chinese and others dumping super cheap and fairly reliable gizmos and hubs onto the market..


Remember, Matter is only really defining the application communication layer, which as others have said is an evolution to some degree of the zigbee cluster library. It relies on IP which is why thread with IPV6 is one of the available network stacks, but there will likely be other stacks down the track that might feasibly work as well, as long as they are IP based.

All that means is the command library that allows a base level of control for supported device types will allow devices to control each other without the need of a custom API method. It won't prevent extra capabilities or features being used with devices within a particular platform.

Let's take Hue as an example. Even if Philips update their hub to support Matter communication, there won't be anyway to access extra features like the Hue Lab formulas or Custom scenes because the application standard won't likely care about those features. So there will still be a benefit to a Hue customer using their hub and App, or an advanced integration using say the V2 custom API, but it will be easier for other devices to control the devices using the standard command library without needing to invest in a custom integration.

What that means is that companies will still be building custom features that are outside the command spec. Which is fine, innovation is a good thing. Matter won't do away with all the Apps, which was always a bad take on the purpose here I feel. What it will hopefully do is allow most smart devices to have their core functions and commands accessed across a wider range of brands with simplified integration.


Time to use this in HE?


Would def be a nice upgrade but sadly (understandably) aren't privy to the plans at Hubitat, Inc.

I have a couple of the Sonoff sticks and I will say the nice thing about that product is it's less expensive and has an external antenna. Assume will be able to flash the ZB/Thread firmware when available as they contain the same EFR32MG21..

Unlikely to use a stick, as a new hardware revision could offer a thread radio with support to act as a border router, or even platform bridge support for Matter like Hue. Regardless of the direction the team does or doesn't take, they will likely wait to see how the hardware experience is shaping up before pursuing a direction.


Yep that was my thought too as Hubitat, Inc has been moving away from external sticks with each subsequent hub release. Seems like it will be an internal board but who knows? :man_shrugging:

Still the advantages of external sticks are easier to replace, less expensive and easier to upgrade.

On the flip side supporting different versions of usb sticks may be a support nightmare and the cost of a new hub seems affordable enough to not really be an issue. It's nice to have an all-in-one package for the general consumer.

An external antenna would be a more realistic hope I think.

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I'm torn on an external-thing modular approach -- be that sticks and/or antennas. The flexibility could be pretty cool, but the resulting myriad of variations would certainly complicate support a lot!

Even just consider the antennas -- would they just add an external connection point(s) and then either include or sell/recommend a couple/few good different-sized antenna options, or would they bolt on the external antenna(s)? Some folks like/need a mongo antenna, some don't need a huge one, and some don't want/need one at all (either due to aesthetics or smaller dwelling).

It's a slippery slope to navigate for sure!

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It will be interesting to see if the SonOff ZBDongle-E with the EFR32MG21 can be upgraded for Zigbee and Thread combined.

I like the fact they are easy to swap out, but on the flip side, it's ugly having extension cables coming out of otherwise (relatively) clean looking hubs and cases.

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I assume it can right? Same chip and (non-thread) firmware is upgradable already.

That (no longer linked) video and article is referring to the Dongle based on the Ti CC2652P chip.

Not sure if the CC2652P chips can do thread.
I have a USB dongle from Starlight.me that uses that chip that I have used with HA for both ZHA and zigbee2mqtt.

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Yep it does... at least according to this page:



So I have to post back... There are different types of the Sonoff Zigbee usb sticks... it turns out I do have the ZBDongle-P variant with the TI chip NOT the "E" type with the SiLabs chip.. BOTH look like they will support thread BUT the E variant is the one that is most similar to the HA dongle.

Here is a comparison...

It's kind of confusing so you need to be careful when ordering.. I think the E type is the one to go for but dunno.

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I am sure that we will see Hubitat as a "follower" rather than a "leader" in the Matter race. It only makes sense for a relatively small company to act VERY carefully before it commits to a certain architecture. (The last thing we should want is for Hubitat to make a mistake....)
So, we just have to be very patient and see what shakes out in the marketplace. It's only after we see clear trends that commitments will be made.


Itā€™s only a Matter of time
Before Hubitat climbs
Up the ladder to its prime.
Hubitatā€™s time to shine
Will come with the C9.
Thatā€™s when Hubitat will bring Matter
Not now, not later
So hold your horses
Be patient
Donā€™t fight the automation forces


this is True, but the older HE's used a USB stick, not saying that I can or can't be done, but they might end up making this an option for the C5's and C7's out there. Other options is an IP Bridge that the HE's can talk to that will do commands that the current HE's cant do (and then make C8 that has it built in)

There are so many ways HE can do this without us having to buy a whole new unit, but just an upgrade.

I am trying to see the optimistic side of this, I know since the Big players are jumping in , that Thread could just be a new way to farm our data, but there might be a ray of light that it can, but if the vendor has not interest in or coming out to protect our privacy, it might happen.

its late, some of this was just word salad that came out of my head. But ya never know, this could work out, I just hope that HE does not scoff at this, if it works out, and they are not on bord, it might just die.

risks need to be taken

Well thankfully they've demonstrated that's not the case with them paying money to join CSA at the adopter level. That gives them access to the resourses they'll need to respond accordingly.

Considering Hubitat were early adopters of 700 series zwave, thereā€™s no reason they couldnā€™t be early adopters of matter.

Imo Hubitat being a first mover in the matter Space could only be good for their growth prospects. Especially as more ppl adopt smart Home products.

Iā€™ve been into home automation since the X10 days and Iā€™ve never seen a ā€œstandardā€ with more broad adoption potential than matter (despite my earlier scepticism).

Iā€™m not going to throw away my zwave gear, but Iā€™ll certainly consider replacing Zigbee gear with matter modules as it makes sense.


Oh yeah, I remember now, jumping on 700 series early, that was soooo much fun! Why not do it again!?
:rofl: :wink: :scream:


See this is where the marketing is already going off the rails. You might start building a Thread device mesh with future devices, but I doubt there would be a need to replace working zigbee devices for the sake of it. It will be some time before the range of Thread sensors and switches is comparable me thinks. Matter is still going to confuse the average Joe user. I feel it should have been kept mostly in the background and not marketed the way it has been.