[Wiki] HTTP Features and Endpoints

I didn’t see any thing that justified it but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

And sometimes they get closed because people go on tangents. Like here. On a thread about hidden features. Yet the discussion is about what threads should be closed. Whether the Hubitat team values open source. Etc.

Oh yes this wiki post is off the rails. It might get ported to a clean post.

People totally ignore the categories here. There are so many random posts in every category it isn't funny. And if you sort by Latest, there really isn't much indication what subforum you are in.

There needs to be many prominent warnings to not click anything you don't understand, or unless support directs you to do so. Most of us users won't be able to fix things for the poor person who just accidentally clicked on the URL.

Hubitat support is the one who is going to have to try and fix things, not you. Support is the one who will receive the ire of the customers not any of you. So I would advise that people be careful in what they are putting out there.


Why does anyone care about whether or not we value open source? It's like a religion, with believers and heretics? It's kind of the same thing with infosec, as if our attitude about it has to pass some litmus test of sincerity. The reality we deal with is so far removed from this.

Most of these "topic" debate threads go off the rails into somewhat meaningless chatter. Sort of like standing around in a bar making conversation, smallish groups of people who have shared interests of the moment. I guess it's to be expected, it's a social environment.

At least y'all stay entertained. :sunglasses:


When things get to hot over here I head on over to the inovelli community to cool off

Maybe instead of publishing dangerous URL's like this is the home automation version of the anarchists cook book, we could add some context, labels, and warnings?

Like don't mess with auto negotiation unless you have such-an-such router and this-or-that-problem.

When I first saw that list I was like cool and started clicking through them. When I saw enable/disable auto negotiation, I thought full stop - I've read about this being necessary for a small subset of users and stopped clicking and started reading.

I feel like I dodged a bullet, well more like an annoying weekend trouble shooting something that I carelessly broke.


Moderators are going by the "public place conduit". The rule of thumb is to treat everyone with respect, and to criticize ideas, not people . Avoiding name-calling, ad hominem attacks, knee-jerk contradictions, will keep you out of the ban list. Offering reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation, will ensure the thread will stay open.



I was trying to think of something really immature and insulting to share as an example, but all I could come up with was:

"Well, your a dumb dummy!" :wink:

Clearly I am not be feared for my blistering repartee. But then, I've always been a hugger.


To that I reply "Well, I'm dumber then you, so there!"
Sorry, off topic but I could not resist.

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Back on topic, the most interesting "hidden" features so far here from my POV seem to be in ways we can help ourselves and the HE staff trouble-shoot.

In particular knowing how to get to your Hub and troublshooting pages to be able to restore or reset, and some of the more advanced ways to find out what problem devices and/or apps may be culprits of issues we are hitting.

Love this.,

Lol, my daughter (@4yo) told my wife when denied some life saving chocolate while shopping, 'you have a big butt like a stupid person'. Sixteen years later we still use that zinger during family discussions.

On topic, the Hubitat Elevation developers and community are awesome and only rarely can't work things out. As an 1980-2000 BBS SYSOP, I know how valuable a good community can be.

Long weekend incoming, someone should start a thread about your secret HA plans you're going to implement while you're supposed to be relaxing with family.


That and the fact you can add your own SSL certs now... no more browser warnings

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lol. Kids come up with hilarious stuff sometimes.

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Why did you remove /hub/advanced/certificate ?? You left the other SSL urls in the list.

It's not a REST call?

I'm referring to the fact he left these 2 urls which are useless without the cert url


It would also be helpful to separate the C7 only info from the older hubs.


On the hidden features topics, I have been willing to ask:

Has anyone else noticed or knows for what this "hidden" button serves for?


Reminded me of this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: