Sorry for my naive newby question, but what's about smart wifi plug ? Is it wise leave them out from HE ? Same for smart switch as sonoff or better ones.
I would be pleased to integrate them all on HE
People use them, but they carry disadvantages. They do not support mesh networking on their own, they open attack surfaces, jeopardizing network security, and they can bog down your WiFi network.
Here's a good read on wifi compared to Zigbee and Z-wave
Removing Wemo and tp-link from my setup made the hub run smoother. Take that info for what it is.
Now I've got one Wemo added back and things are fine. Take that for what it's worth as well...
OK. It is clear the advantage of radio control, particularly with an hub acting local. But my question now is: as I have such devices (meross plugs, broadlink mini m3 and powahome smart switch) on wifi with Amazon Echo (italian version), can I control them using HE ? Have I to disconnect them from Alexa or can I use them with both hubs (HE, Alexa)?
HE seems so intriguing that I really would like to get one, but I need to have a minimum level of compatibility
Alexa is no issue as the driver has been officially written from Hubitat.
Your best bet with most wifi devices is to take advantage of the IFTTT integration. I know Broadlink has an IFTTT integration for US users but I don't have one yet so I don't know what it's limitations are.
HE is still relatively new so I think I've time drivers for WiFi devices will be created by Hubitat and the community. The biggest issue with the WiFi drivers at the moment is that many of them are written for SmartThings and ported; those drivers aren't aware of some of the pitfalls that often cause the HE to freeze.
We all want it to control everthing in our home but for now the focus is z-wave and Zigbee control. Things are going well, I expect the integrations to flow.
@keitithcroshaw Ok. You convinced me ! It was not so difficult to be sincere
Next step: I think to get HE c5 (us versione with on board universal zigbee + US zwave chips) + external UE z-wave USB key (for Italy). That should allow me to use the HE box alone as far as I do not use z-wave devices (is it correct?). Should I need z.wave devices i have to use the external (I hate external keys/dongles!) USB EU z-wave key.
Is it the correct choice?
When my HE box will be up and running, I have to install the Alexa app in HE (italian HE skill is still on the way, if ever) to have minimum control on devices attached to Echos. Will I be able to trigger wifi devices (smart switch) driven by Alexa with a motion sensor driven by HE?
Thanks to you all for your warm help !and your patience
The Hubitat Elevation C-5 model really does not have an extra USB port to allow you to plug in an EU Z-Wave USB stick. It might be possible to accomplish using an OTG cable to split the micro-USB port into a standard USB port and a charging port. I am just not sure if this combination is supported by Hubitat at this time for an EU configuration.
Going with an EU C-4 hub today is probably the best idea. It will come with a Zigbee USB dongle and an EU Z-Wave USB dongle.
The CPU, RAM, and Storage is identical on both the C-4 and C-5.
I've got this anwer by Bruce Ravenel:
I have to check for available micro usb port (possibly other than the power one).
Then you should be good to go! Have fun!
Perhaps Bruce repeated the info about the OTG cable... but the C-5 does not come with one according to the announcement. If it doesn't, then be sure to order one so you're able to enjoy the Hub the moment it arrives.
UPDATE: the URL in the original announcement is not correct any longer. (at least for me.)
is closer.
Thanks @csteele, I've ordered both (cable on amazon and HE from Hubitat). I know HE will challenge me. I'll be patient.
As I'm not an ST user and I probably will need to code (or reading code) can you suggest me some basic tutorial ?
Hubitat has a lot of Apps that they've included with the base. Motion Lighting, Simple Lighting, etc. They solve simple or basic automations we all use. However, there are more choices. You can completely ignore those apps and use Rule Machine to do the same work. OR.. you can write your own App to do precisely what you want. "Roberto's even Simpler Lighting" app if you want
I think that's what catches a lot of non-SmartThings users. SmartThings has a lot of choices too... just none of them are from SmartThings Sometimes too many choices makes the first decision far more difficult than it deserves.
Tganks @Eric.C.Miller, I saw the documentation, but I found adm guides and reference manuals, no code examples no tutorials... Where can I find an introduction to HE/ST coding?
May I assume that the following stuff works also with HE?
It will be close to the same as HE, but not exactly the same in certain areas. Good starting point, though.
That's a problem in my opinion. I cannot find (may be my fault) any tutorial about the structure of an app nor the differences with a typical ST app codeβ¦
I rely on you guys !
I think there are some threads in the forums if you search.
But honestly, unless you want to code, the official HE apps and community made apps will give you a lot to play with without coding at all.
I have the Hubitat Elevation C-5 model and it certainly DOES have a USB port with a EU Z-Wave USB stick plugged in to it. Without that, it would only support US licensed frequencies for Z-Wave which is not permitted and would not work in the UK. I use a mix of ZigBee and Z-Wave devices on this hub. I also integrate with other devices through Alexa and through IFTTT. I bought my HE hub at the end of 1999 and it was delivered in Jan 2020 and I've been very pleased with it.