Wifi Drivers are not installing for hours

Where can I find the Hub ID?

It can be found under Settings - Hub details.

Thanks to @gopher.ny my main (old) hub already has a wifi connectivity. Has anyone else experienced issues with OTG cables not powering their hubitats?

I got the same issue with wifi driver install process error java timeout exception handleinstallwifi, can you guys give me some help advice? Thanks.

Run this endpoint: http://your.hubs.ip.address/hub/advanced/installDriver/all

If successful, it will return an empty screen. Configure WiFi settings, restart the hub, and it should have a WiFi IP address at the top of network setup page, assuming you're running 2.3.3 or above.

Oh yes, just bought it around few weeks ago, i did some research and try that url you have provided once and it showed blank or empty page like you said but i thought it error or something because it was empty.
So i refresh that page again it show Driver missing or invalid and then i reboot and try to install wifi driver again still got the error.

So, i got empty page once but is it still work?

Can you PM me your hub's id? I can check engineering logs. Also, it sounds like networking page is in a need of a proper, prominent "WiFi available" indicator...

PM already. :slight_smile: