Last night before bed I was tweaking the Master Bedroom Fan Rule, which sets fan speed to various temps. Well, unbeknownst (is that spelled right?, is that even a word?) to me. I put a NOT condition where it was not supposed to be. So in other words, when the temp sensor reported temp it shut the fan off. If the temp was NOT <=68, which was the whole bedtime, the fan did not run. If you want to learn from my mistake, don't tweak rules before bedtime.
With great power comes great responsibility....
- Uncle Ben
If I only had a nickel for all the times I was in the doghouse for the same kind of things.......
At least you didn't have a rule fire off and light up the house like a Christmas tree, set off the sirens, and voice announced to seek shelter, due to a misspelling by the NWS for a weather alert. The words from my wife are still hovering over Lake Michigan today.
I see what you did there!
Love that movie!
On the plus side - the system works!...
Yep, been there, done that.
My husband hollars "your spark plugs suck!" - from the webcore days. Still, 3 years later whenever something doesn't work.
Actually that quote goes back to the French Revolution, but it was popularized by Peter Parker ( yes, Spidey).
I don't feel so bad now.
Yeah I read that and was going to post the French version.. but Spidey seems more accessible these days (or maybe not?)!
Ils doivent envisager qu’une grande responsabilité est la suite inséparable d’un grand pouvoir.
They must consider that great responsibility follows inseparably from great power.
I like the TL;DR version more.
Attention spans are too short these days for the long original version. That was from a time when people had way more free time, so could take all day to say something.
Last night, a false alarm set all our sirens off, and I shouldn't have included that device really as I had reason to believe it might be a bit flakey anyway. DH was not very happy...
Single. May be alone, but I am never in the dog house.
Its funny if I lived alone I probably would not have created nearly as many automations. For me at least, accomplishing something that no one else would benefit from / use is not motivating.
I get my greatest satisfaction from having someone else benefit, enjoy, appreciate my efforts.
Besides, I very lucky. My wife is pretty understanding, especially since our combined experiences with X-10
Yes... I'd forgotten about x-10
I started with X10 in my first apartment. Moved those components all of the city with me as I moved around and just this year threw in the towel and got modern equipment (I have a three year old and it took too much effort and time to keep running).
Funny, mine didn't take much time after I potty trained them. What did you end up doing with the toddler?
Tried bidders...