Widget - Switches only?

Hello everyone, just switched to HE due to WebCore being dropped by ST. Loving HE so far, wish I would have made the switch sooner. I actually really like the simplicity of the app.

I like to have widgets on my phone's home screen to quickly push scene buttons, such as 'goodnight'. I created a virtual button for my 'scene' (which is actually in rule machine), but it seems you can only create widgets for switches. I know I can make a virtual switch for a scene, but it's not really proper and isn't on/off. Anyone have any other recommendations? Thank you!


If you like to tinker, look into KWGT Kustom Widget Maker. Have been using it for over a year and once you set it up, it's rock solid...

Check this out:


Not sure of the capabilities, haven't used Hubitat widgets yet on my phone. But one option aligning with what you mentioned would be a virtual switch with "Enable auto off" set - so on is like pushed, and it automatically resets to off after a set (short) time

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Wow this looks pretty impressive/powerful. Going to take a while to learn but I'm in!


Your widgets look great, and I can understand most of them. Except these three - are you really rebooting your network gear so often that you need a widget on your phone? :joy:

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No, but for lack of inspiration I couldn't think of 3 other tiles that I might actuate routinely from my home screen when I created the widget, and never went back to update the widget once I completed it. Everything in the house is automated :slight_smile:


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