Why Would You Buy a C-8?

Better range for myself.


Hi, does range and speed also improve for non-plus Z-wave?

I have a C7 and interested in the C8 to reduce hops and also increase speed but have quite a few non-plus Z-wave wall switches. Some are also controlled by Lutron remotes via the Lutron pro hub thing on telnet.

Speed will not improve for sure - that's a limitation of the device's z-wave radio. Range does improve. I have z-wave 100-series and 300-series devices connected directly to the C-8, whereas previously they required repeaters.

These are not z-wave devices. They use a Lutron specific wireless protocol called ClearConnect.

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Actual footage of people scrambling to get a C8:

Black Friday GIF by Eurocarnavales


The extra range would be helpful, but I'm hesitant on two fronts:

  1. Ghost devices in Zwave. I assume they would transfer and I'm loath to drop down the rat-hole of a difficult-to-obtain Zwave stick plus a 14-page "manual" on how to get rid of them. I need to feel confident that Hubitat can maintain it's database of devices over time. (Yes, I know, it's a SILabs sdk issue, but that doesn't make me any more confident in the platform. I shouldn't have to jump through these hoops to simply delete a failed device.)

  2. There are long-standing bugs (re Presence) that have been completely dropped.

I've frozen any expansion of my environment until I see signs that Hubitat can address the full breadth of the feature-set they advertise.

That said, I truly appreciate all that Hubitat offers, and the hard work the team puts into the product. I love what Hubitat can do.

I've also been around long enough to see a disturbing trend: as devices/software get more complicated, they become more difficult to maintain through developer turnover, SDK updates, external API changes, etc. Can/will Hubitat maintain the complexity of what they have created?


Thanks. Would speed not improve with fewer hops?

The Lutron telnet integration controls my zwave devices via the remote buttons built in app.

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Yes it would actually

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Technically - yes.

Noticeably/Practical difference - usually not substantial, but sometimes can be noticable. Directly good regardless.

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You know i was being factious right? :joy:


C8 WiFi is it 2.4g or 5g?

Where did you order it from? AARtech?

Yes, Aartech.

$243 CDN after taxes.

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2.4... No real advantage to go to 5g. I mean the lan interface is 100mb


I'm a retired engineer (software & systems) so sometimes I take things literally.

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I made a post earlier questioning what zigbee 3.0 will offer over 1.2. I didnt get any answers. Any thoughts? I dont use Zwave and I have zero issues with my mesh so I am personally not seeing what the c8 offers me.

Why would I buy a C-8?

Because I can!


Except everything else is 2.4. The advantage is not speed but getting away from a crowded spectrum. Still I'm not not disappointed.


Could the C-8 be used upside down? Would the antennas get in the way?
I was looking at my C-7 today, thinking about velcroing the new unit onto the windowsill, noticed all those nice vent holes-wouldn't want to block them. Of course the logo would be face down. :slight_smile: