What Happens at 3AM with Hubitat --- REOCCURING EVENT possible issue found, Hubitat please advise

Last Night again a light turned on in my bedroom at 3AM. there was no automation, no apps set to control it, no webcore automation. and even more odd no events or logs show the device turning on. the only actions recorded are my own action when trying to manually turn off the light via Hubitat devices. I clicked off a bunch a times but nothing happened until I clicked ON then Clicked off and eventually my device slowly dimmed and turned off. these actions were recorded in the log and events. does anyone know how to troubleshoot this? is there an operation that occurs for ZWAVE devices around 3AM on Hubitat Hubs? SIDE NOTE this devices power was just restored about 4hours prior as wife unplugged the light.

Please Help....

Based on the events snapshot it's something coming from Alexa. Check your Alexa routines.


Thats me I tried to tell alexa to turn it off but then paused and went into the app to check the logs and events and found nothing. so while in the app I tried to manually turn it off as listed above

The light came on before the 3:07 TIMESTAMP

Do you have alexa hunches turned on?


here is the first time I started to say something to Alexa and stopped and timestamp was at 3:04 am

Hunches are disabled, there was no activity on the ALEXA device that shows any automation from its end occurred at 3AM.

Is it a bulb or a switch being activated? If so brand/model?

Its a Bulb - GoControl Z-Wave Dimmable LED Light Bulb, LB60Z-1 now known also as Nuwave as my newer bulbs are under this name.

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correction just checked this BULB and it is nuwave Nutone Bulb --- * Z-Wave Certification ID: ZC10-15040004 / ‎NLB60Z_ZWA


I'm just wondering if there was some kind of power blip and when it received power again it went to on as a default state. Good way to test is unplug power to bulb and power back up. If it comes on I would suspect that's what happened.

thats intriguing idea but its not the first time and not the same bulb that this happened to.

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let me check something I have a power monitor system tied to my entire house if there was a blip in power I should see a drop then a spike.

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I use iotawatt myself (www.iotawatt.com)

okay for last night my bedroom wattage was running the following:
11pm -0.159 kWh
12am - 0.144 kWh
1am - 0.125 kWh
2am - 0.124 kWh
3am - 0.159 kWh

so not seeing any complete drop in power to my room and I can even get it down to the minute and as low as per second and see no loss

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Emporia Energy is the system I have setup

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In the events it says the triggered apps were from RL and Alexa skill. It's gotta be something funky with those 2... It shows in your logs an event was the trigger.

I know thats when I was clicking on the off button in the app under the device itself not sure why it recorded it that way.

I may just replace the bulbs and go to a plug controlled device to see if that eliminates the issue