They're tanks... You can also get a pedestal for the pico
Appreciate the option, I use ZWave in my setup, ordered a couple of zwave dimmer plugs. will see if that helps, if not then will need to figure out something or wifie is going to murder me.
I use z-wave, zigbee, clear connect. It directly interfaces through hubitat so hubitat controls it via telnet. They are one of the most stable lighting products in the world... I use Lifx bulbs in our table lamps, then use pico's on a pedestal to control the bulbs... Works out nicely.
Can you see a voltage spike?
no spike, just normal usage.
I've seen alexa entries in my logs like that to. I think it's updating alexa to know the status of the light/bulb/dimmer.
that makes sense as I am making the changes within hubitat it needs to make sure external systems APIs are aware of the state of the devices. so that would answer the entries as I advised I am making but doesnt answer the turn on that occur and not being logged. closest answer would be power fluctuations but maybe it was so minute that it didnt get capture in my power monitoring but enough to trigger the bulb to turn on. still odd and why only this bulb when I have other bulbs in the same room on the same electrical path. and these other bulbs have turned on in the past at the same time 3AM.
Swap the bulb with another? Maybe that one is more sensitive?
I found this under my settings as the HUB does a daily backup at 3:01AM but it also does a DATABASE Cleanup. what does that entail? I think this is what maybe trigger the issue. can someone from Hubitat advise.
During the backup any corruption present getting into the backup is cleaned out (same thing happens when you download a backup) and the file is stored on the hubitat and/or cloud (cloud if you have hub protect). That wouldn't affect lights though.
very odd that it correlates to the time exactly is there a possibility that when the database is overwritten could it trigger a device status update which can cause the device to turn on?
So change the time and see if your bulb tracks
You might also disconnect the network cable to the hub. If it still happens then you know it is internal.
IMHO Power glitches seem to be blamed for a lot of things but few seem to actually be caused by power.
IT has happened AGAIN but this time prior to the issue here is what happened I changed the DATABASE clean time to 8:01 PM guess when the light turned on. thats right 8:01 PM. and guess what there are NO events. NONE but the light is now on and under device events it still shows the light as OFF. one thing that did happen though this light was unplugged yesterday and I plugged it back in last night. not sure what occurs when the light reconnects to the ZWAVE network. but what ever it is causes an issue when the DATABASE clean up occurs. I need someone more technical to advise me on this. seems like a coding issue. I have not made any requests to turn it off as it still is in its current on state. not sure if there is any data I can collect or provide but someone on Hubitats team needs to help me.
Could you post a screenshot of your complete Zwave Details page please?
@gopher.ny any insight?
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