What Battery Size Goes Where

I wish devices had something in the device itself to show what kind/size batteries are needed. Recently moved. I took all the batteries out of my devices. Now getting around to setting things up. Opened a device. Had no idea what size battery to put in. Had to do it by trial and error.

Just a tongue in cheek complaint...:slight_smile:

Several on here are adding that information to the device tab using [RELEASE] Custom Device Note App

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Of course there is always the manual. I realize it's not manly to read the instructions but sometimes it's wise to cave in.

FWIW I keep all my device info in a device folder. This includes the manual, any custom driver, other notes.

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I probably have the manual somewhere, just didn’t want to go to that trouble. Turned out it was a cr123, one of those odd ones. AA’s or AAA’s are easy to tell, but not some of the others.

The first thing I do when I get a new device is to download the manual. I have no patients to flatten the folded paper and read the find print.

I think it is impossible to fold in half a piece of any type of paper more than 7 times. However the smaller the devices and boxes get the closer they come to testing that limit.

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I can see the day when the only thing in the box is the device which has a QR code sticker to scan.


Why do we need a box? :slight_smile:


Easy access to battery info via my dashboard courtesy of @thebearmay’s Custom Device Note App and Device Data Display apps (thanks @thebearmay!).

When the battery is changed, its easy to update the BatteryDate info by updating the Custom Device Note for that device.


Now what would be nice is some way to put a link to that manual in the device page so you could jump to it quickly for reference if needed without having to look for it.

I've already seen this.


Of course, there's always the 'no battery' option.

I hate batteries on devices. I go out of my way to find devices that don't use batteries. And, when that doesn't work, I try to make alternate accommodations. For example, my battery-less Ikea shades.

It's not the right solution for everyone and I'm not 100% batteryless. But, life is much simpler without those damned batteries, imho.

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You can add it in as text now, to enable adding it as a link… I’d have to add some code to the Custom Device Note app but it can be done.


@thebearmay FTW! Comes thru yet again.

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Hmmm… maybe it can’t be added there as a link. I’ve done it as an attribute in a device driver before but it’s being suppressed in the data section.

Highlight and right-click go to is a very easy action...really don't have to have a link:


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True, just the challenge :sunglasses: