What are your most used or favorite apps?

yourhubip>>apps>add built in apps

  1. Hubitat Android Dashboard App
  2. Echo Speaks
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What are some "notification devices" I can add to receive notifications?

HPM and Bundle Manager for installing new apps

Amazon Echo Skill
Echo Speaks
Error Monitor
Simple Multi-Tile
Preference Manager

To answer your question to another user, I use Notifications for things that could be simple rules and all I want to do is send a notification.
Was the garage door left open?
Are any of my leak sensors detecting a leak?
Is my freezer too warm?

For rules, I've used Basic, Simple Automation and Rule Machine. For the sake of keeping everything organized, I've moved most to Rule Machine. With the exception of lighting. I use the Room Lighting app for that.

To what exactly? How do you receive it?

Also if you will be using dashboards 'Message Rotator Tile Device' by thebearmay is great. Create a virtual device and apply that driver to it. From then on you can set any rule where you want a notification on the dash, to send a message to that device for it to display in the tile. Where you have multiple notifications, it will cycle through them automatically until all are cleared. I have loads of rules that I use to send messages to it - put the bins out, wash cycle complete, dishwasher complete, garage door left open etc, etc. Here is the thread that starts with my brain fart!

Where/how do you display these? Android phone/tablet mounted to wall?

There are several options to receive notifications.

An ios or Android device, using either the Hubitat mobile app's push notifications, or the built-in support for Pushover (which is a separate mobile app that requires a one-time fee that's well worth it). There is also support for Twilio, which uses SMS, and that requires $ based on how much you use it.

There are a few ways to get text-to-speech notifications on a smart speaker in your home. The built-in sonos integration is one. And there are community integrations for Alexa or Google Assistant.

Both. I have four Amazon Fires wall mounted around the house. I'm running SharpTools dashboard on those and I also use Joe Pages 'Hubitat Dashboard' which you can download for free. I have buttons for certain rules on the dashboards - Goodnight, Good Morning etc, control of various devices and also use it to view the status of door locks etc.

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Do you know the name of the one for Google Assistant on HPM?

Sorry I don't use Android or Google Home devices.

This looks very feature rich on the docs Hubitat® Dashboard | Hubitat Documentation

So how does this integrate with SharpTools dashboard? Or did I misunderstand, and you use these separately for different usecases?

The best app: "Zone Motion Controllers"
Found here:

My favorite app is the one that does the job I need it to do. Could not care less about its popularity.

I use one or the other - both have advantages/disadvanges. 'Hubitat Dashboard' is an app that is fully local whereas SharpTools is web based so relies on the internet.

My main automation work horse is RM.

As others said, Hubitat Package Manager, for sure.

I have Combined Presence, Groups and Scenes, Lock Code Manager, Rachio (sprinklers), and some other apps installed, BUT...

I do almost everything else in webCoRE. Simple rules, complex rules, notifications, timers, dashboard info, whatever. I migrated from Smartthings, so it was an easy transition for me since a lot of my automations were already set up that way.

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There are a couple common notification methods that HE users use.
Hubitat phone app push notifications

I use email for things I want to know about but aren't important to know immediately. (Low battery notifications). I use pushover for things I want to know about when it happens. (Water leaking) And I'm just starting to experiment with echoSpeaks. (Annoying my children)


There is the community google integration in HPM, just use keyword google. There is also the built in integration. If you're just doing notifications the built in one is fine.

For phone notifications I use pushover because I can prioritize messages. Low priority has one sound, med another, and a klaxon alarm for high... Works out very well.

Posting here because I was just reminded in another post.

I have a Weatherflow Tempest and all my windows have sensors. If it rains etc, it kicks @bertabcd1234 's Device Status Announcer and via phone/tts tells me exactly which window is open.

For me best app is Maker API since I do absolutely everything in Node Red. The only other built-in app I even have installed is the Alexa integration.

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