Weirdness with RL and new Eva Logik ZW39 Dimmer

I have a rule that sets my bedroom lights. I switched a floor lamp from a off/on smart switch to this dimmer. When there is motion, the other lights come on at the proper level. This floor lamp does not. Here is a screen shot after the motion activates it.


Notice the device :bulb: Main Bedroom Floor with the level at 1 instead of 50.

I have recreated this rule, and it continues to act this way. I then created a simplified rule that only controls that one light. (I used a different motion sensor, but that shouldn't matter.)


Now that device is showing 50 like it should.

Logs from bad rule:


Logs from good rule:


What is going on?

EDIT: I am using the built-in driver EVA LOGIK Smart Plug Dimmer.
EDIT2: I tried another ZW39 and it shows the same symptoms.
EDIT3: I was able to set the dim level I want and then change the device type to swith in RL, but that is a work-around.

Its is not liking the dim rate of 5, I only see that on the logs from when it is broken.

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I think you nailed it, Jeff. Thanks!

If you REALLY need the rate to work correctly, might be able to work around the issue with a custom driver of some sort. I have one for the Leviton Dimmer, it actually should work on any basic dimmer, it implements all the standard zwave dimmer commands and classes. It just wont have any settings, and will tell you its an unsupported device, no risk of breaking the device or anything.

Thanks, but I really don't care that much. It is working fine for me now.

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