Does the newly native to Hubitat webcore support creating graphs? I read the webcore graphing was based on Hubigraph which I read was abandon by its creator.
Right not the ability to create graphs would be the only reason I would start using webcore.
If graphs are supported can someone link me to a simple graphing example?
I’m only guessing, but I think “based on” Hubigraphs likely means that WebCoRE uses the same google charts API that Hubigraphs did to create the graphs.
So it’s not as if you need Hubigraphs installed on your hub as well, or that an unsupported code base (since the Hubigraphs dev did indeed stop using Hubitat) will somehow be the undoing of WebCoRE’s graphing feature.
It uses basically the same code, it's had some updates and fixes a few issues with hubigrpahs, It did for me anyway. Every graph I had in Hubigraphs I have moved to webcore and it works great. Even the data from LTS Graphs you created in Hubigraphs can be imported into webcore. So all the data you currently have can be brought over.
I’ve set up LTS and tried to create graphs using the facility in Hubitat, but I see an error instead of a graph: {"error":true,"type":"java.lang.Exception","message":"An unexpected error occurred."}
This is what I see in the logs with level set to 3
I think what you want is a time graph not a time line chart. You want to graph temp over time yes? Try a time graph, does that not do what you want? The graph below is a graph of temp of my Ecobee Thermostat, Ecobee sensor, pantry and outside temp
To be honest, I was not sure what the difference was between a time line chart and a time graph. I started to create a time line just to see, The very first step has this message.
Choose Numeric Attributes or common sensor attributes (like on/off, open/close, present/not present,detected/clear, active/inactive, wet/dry)
I tried to create a time line chart using a outlet turning on and off but I got an error as well. Also there is some kind of issue with the how the log handles it. The error is from app2786, but when I select it, the log shows null as the name, see below. @nh.schottfam
I'm curious as to how do we use these graphs outside a local network in something like a SharpTools dashboard. WebCoRE seems to provide a link that only is usable within the local network of where the Hubitat hub is located.
Yeah that was a limitation in the original Hubigraphs as well. The original developer, said he was going to look into it, but left HE before he did. Not sure @nh.schottfam ever looked at it.
and a couple of other variations of it, but none have worked. It just feels like the answer is in there somehow... even if it was never intended to use it like that.
The current graphs code has a couple of use cases:
it creates the graph
it updates the graph
The current code for the 2nd case may use an event web socket. This is one of (but not the only issue here).
Another issue is the volume of data thru the HE cloud endpoints. These have some throttling on them, and currently gzip responses cannot be passed thru reasonably (this is something HE wants to address).
So these and other issues are the current complications, and the workaround mentioned is likely best at this time
by "moved to webcore" do you mean you were somehow able to export from Hubigraphs into Webcore??? If so, can you please describe this process???
Or do you mean you recreated the graphs in Webcore?
You can only import the data file for graphs that use Long Term storage. You do have to re-create the graph, but you will not lose any LTS data.
To import the LTS data you simply rename the file using webcore's convention. If I remember right the file names on Hubigraphs LTS data , begin the filename with Hubigraphs , you just change it from Hubigraphs to webCore.
Go to Apps>Webcore>Graphs
Select your graph
Enable device name Tile Installation
Go to Dashboards and create a new dashboard
Go to devices and find the new tile device
Under device information, select the new dashboard
save device
Go to the dashboard that you just created
Click + to add a tile
Select the tile device that webcore just created
Select the attribute template
Select the graph attribute
increase the height at width as appropriate
Click Add Tile
Since Dashboards can be seen outside of your local network, you always have access to your data.
Thanks for the reply. The reason I'm looking to do this is to integrate that graph into a SharpTools panel... not just Hubitat's... which I don't use. And that's the problem as SharpTooks is outside a home network, Ergo, no access to that graph.
But now I’m wondering. If I can access that dashboard outside of my local network, couldn’t you somehow include it into your outside dashboard? Something like a web snip?
I’m just guessing here. Since the information is available on habitat's dashboard while not home, it should be reachable, but I only have an idea and not a practical way to achieve it.
How would you, for example, get the open/closed state of a door from Hubitat to that site?