WebCore Stays vs Remains difference?

I made using a piston with Remains Below but I noticed there was no Time var as I would expect.
I have changed to Stays as it has a time var giving the expected retest window.
How does Remains differ?

Take a look here.

Thanks. I did read this help file earlier but I still didn't clue in to what "present" use would look like.
Is it comparing a current trigger with the previous trigger to see it it remains the same or not?
That almost sounds like the past definition.

I just wanted to clarify the use case difference between:
If device stays above 100 for 10 minutes then (has a time window variable) and
If device remains above 100 (no time so what is it referencing for a decision?)

  • past (see below)
  • present (these are tracking triggers like changes*, drops*, remains*, rises*, enters*, exits*)
  • future (see above - stays*)


remains above (and rises) are using the device readings (when they occur) as the time portion ie the reported event times

so remains_above is (this device reading and the last device reading are > compval) (where there is a subscription on the device:attribute being checked)

 return oldValue!=null && oldValue>compval && curval>compval


  • oldValue is the last reading of of the device
  • curval is the current reading of the device
  • compval is your comparison value for remains above.

It does sound like you want stays as your comparison.

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Thanks. Sort of what I guessed might be the case.
Another snippet of wisdom to my WC notes file!

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