How to use stays* in webCoRE

In webCoRE there are several trigger comparison types around stays:

  • stays
  • stays equal to
  • ...

Stays means we want to check in the future if things stay the way they are now

In general there are 3 time periods one can want to use

  • past (see below - condition comparison)
  • present (these are tracking triggers like changes*, drops*, remains*, rises*, enters*, exits*)
  • future (here - stays* trigger comparisons)

So what is going on with stays*:


Let's assume the starting state is we have not run since saving and the contact is open

In this example the piston will subscribe to the vctl1:contact events (because it is in use by this stays comparison)

If I hit the 'test' piston in the IDE, the piston runs:

First execution

  • the test event wakeup occurred, and we began executing the piston from the beginning/top

  • the if at line 2 return FALSE, which means one or more of

    • the contact is not now open

      • or value is as requested AND we are initializing the timer to monitor 2 minutes to resume at #2

        • or value is as requested AND the existing timer (from an earlier run) has not fired yet
    • The if returns false, because monitoring vctl:contact being open for 2 minutes has not occurred and the else clause is executed

  • piston exits because it ran to the end

result: the log message contact not open or has not been open for 2 minutes is printed, and a timer is set for 2 minutes from now

Second execution

2 minutes later the timer fires

  • the piston is started because of a timer event (saying to resume at 2)

  • the piston resumes at #2, which now returns true. (contact is open and we know it stayed open for two minutes from the first run)

    • the piston executes stayed open message
  • piston exits because it ran to the end

Alternate execution 2

The contact changes to closed during the 2 minutes

  • The piston starts at the top with event vctl:contact:closed

  • The if at line 2 returns false because the contact is not open

    • the stays detects the earlier timer, and cancels it

    • the piston logs again contact not open or has not been open for 2 minutes is printed

  • piston exits because it ran to the end

Execution 3 (after alternate 2)

The contact changes to open

  • The piston starts at the top with event vctl:contact:open and the if returns false because the contact is open and the timer is being set.

    • ie we are back to the execution 1 case

Few things to note:

  • First time executing stays, the stays if returns false and if the condition matches it sets the timer to monitor the condition and resume in the future

    • if the timer fires then TRUE is returned on the resume

  • If the initial condition state changes (ie contact is not open event in this example), any timer set is cancelled and the if returns false.

  • Stays* are a tracking trigger comparison, so like other tracking trigger comparisons

    • they should be at level 1 looking left to right (ie they are not nested below other if's, else's or restrictions) so that state changes can be track for the initial condition

    • stays when setting the future timer, is not blocking the piston execution like a 'wait', ie true or false the stays command did not block/pause the piston.

  • This also means that mixing stays with other conditions like
    • if a is true and/or b stays open

    • is generally not a good idea, because on resume from the timer, some of the additional conditions may not be true any longer due to the wait for the timer

What if I want to see if in the past something did or did not change?

  • webCoRE has several condition comparisons (was* and changed*). (ie was equal to for example) that allows you to understand if in a period of time in the past a value comparison is true).

    • this depends on the depth/history of the HE database (device states) on how far you can look back. You should be pretty safe for the last state of an attribute.


Just a question here, I have a piston just tranfered from ST and I have an event from global variable. So if one of 2 global variable change it will trigger. Inside this trigger I ll start a timer if one of the variable stays = 1 for 1h. Actually I have other function inside this event but the thing is that its considered as trigger inside trigger so not sure if it would works (I think it was running normally in ST but not 100% sure, no time to test it a lot).
So how can I do it?

Try it and post logs

I would like to know if a local variable stays for a period of time but it looks like its different from ST where I could. I got this error message, even after move the condition outside the event. Is there a way to do it?

But it seem to work when I do some test... Its seem to be a warning more preventive than other things... I moved my stays inside the event where it should be because outside it wont run as the event is considered as a independant block...and the local variable event or condition never work as trigger... Just to know if it was a better way to do it...

I don't think this worked on ST. stays requires a trigger if something changes, and a local variable cannot be a trigger.

If it were a global (@) or hub variable(@@) it could work as it could be a trigger.



It was working as is, now it also works but just this warning... Actually no need to be a trigger, its in trigger section but when the event is triggered, it evaluate the condition and start the timer...
if outside the event it will never fired for the reason you said...

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