Webcore - shut down and reboot hub?

Any way to use webcore to shut down and reboot a hub?

This is how i do it using RM, you should be able to to send an http POST in webcore too.


That worked perfectly in webcore. Thanks.

I do something similar in Node-RED. After the shutdown, there is no way to automatically restart the hub, so I ping the hub and if there is no response for a given amount of time (5 minutes), I send a "OFF/ON" command to the KASA (wifi) plug that the Hub is plugged into (Node-RED has a plugin for the KASA platform).

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I have that exact setup as well, Kasa outlet. But I am going to cycle the Kasa outlet with another webcore piston from one of my other secondary hubs.

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There's a driver called Hub Information that allows SHUTDOWN, REBOOT as well as info.

Screenshot 2024-10-27 125232

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I'll check it out. But once my hub shuts down, I have to reboot from another hub or manually.

Just curious - are you doing a shut down and restart on a regular basis? I do a weekly reboot and the shut down/restart is only in case of two situations

  1. Power Outage (shut down before battery backup runs out)
  2. Cloud backup failure causing Z-wave devices to misbehave - I get a notification if Cloud backup has failed and I flip an virtual switch to shut down and restart

Any other scenarios that would benefit from an automated shut down?

In my case the shutdown is a last resort. I have a countdown timer for 7 days. If I don't press a virtual reset button, the hub will power off as it's assuming I died (as morbid as it is it will happen one of these days). This puts everything back to manual for my wife as she knows nothing about home automation.

Short background info.....I'm having a specific problem with telnet on HE. I control my home audio system (Russound) through HE using telnet. I use webcore for most of those telnet commands. Generally, it works well. For years, my HE telnet connection has been fickle and I don't know why. Recently, on a daily basis, the telnet connection between HE and my Russound gets dropped. I have written code to ping the Russound every hour to keep the telnet connection active. And that SEEMED to work for a while. But after the HE update to platform, and maybe previous versions, the telnet won't stay active. Even re-initialization from within the telnet driver will not re-establish the connection. SO, I have to re-boot my HE to re-establish that connection. That's why I have asked on this forum if I can restart the telnet without re-boot. I have asked @support_team to look into it. The WAF here is VERY low.

If you only want a reboot, the endpoint http://YOUR_HUB_IP:8080/hub/reboot (instead of hub/shutdown) will reboot your hub without needing it to be restarted from another hub. Apologies if you have already tried and it does not work for your needs.

Thanks for the help. Yes, the reboot works. But I want to do a controlled shutdown to avoid any problems.