WebCore Registration NOT working

Any time I try to register a new browser (Webcore app must have been updated so I needed to log back into my wife's phone), and now NO registration codes work.

I use Webcore for presence so this is important to get fixed.

The webcore community site has been down for a few days. It's back now.


Have you checked:

and the following couple of notes?

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Saw this earlier and thought I would try the same. I am getting the same issue when I go to the "Register a browser" link from the app. It refuses to authenticate. HOWEVER, if I click on the "Open Dashboard" link FROM THE APP IN THE HUB, and use my password, it opens no issues.

Running the "built in" version

You get codes, but they don’t work?

I run the IDE locally, but figured I’d check to see what I get. I do get codes, but they don’t work.

That sucks!

I don’t remember exactly when I last registered a browser, but it’s been in the last two weeks…. Edit: and it worked fine - like it always has.

Correct. I got codes, and they did not work. Then, I clicked the Open Dashboard link (From inside the App in Hubitat), and was able to open the dashboard with my regular password for Webcore.

I have not been in webcore in a while. There has been no need. So, no idea when it stopped working for me.

Yes, I have rebooted several times and webcore files are up to date, from what I can tell.

Who now manages Webcore now that is a built in app to Hubitat? Seems all of us are having the same issue.

I still can't get to the WebCore community.

Yes, this is starting to look like a problem either on the webcore server or between Hubitat and webcore.
My webcore installation has been working flawlessly until this popped up - no changes made - other than recent Hubitat updates. I can try to roll back to 2.3.9 when I get time later.

I’m afraid to log out without the confidence that I’ll be able to log back in.

apologies for the issues, please try again, should be fixed now. Disk was full, increased from 80GB to 120GB


Thank you so much. Webcore is an integral part of my life. It was a sad day when ST lost WC support.

But this does beg the question. Is there any way that browser registration can be run locally? Until today, I had forgotten that was one of the things that isn’t handled locally… when running the IDE locally that is.

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You can select "open dashboard", and it will open without going thru a registration code

That has never worked for me since making the IDE local… although I’ve always wished it would. This is what I get when clicking “open dashboard”…

I would reinstall or do repair. Works fine for me.

Are you running the IDE on a local web server?

I’m running webCoRE locally installed from Hubitat package manager

I mean the IDE… not the Hubitat app. Meaning do you use dashboard.webcore.co to edit your pistons, or do you edit your pistons on a local web server?

I do the latter, so I’m asking if you do too - in the event there’s something else awry with my setup. Thanks.

Now I’m getting this error in my logs for presence and certain presence is no longer working.
