I updated manually, c7, took a while.... Maybe 4-5 mins? I just left it. And paused the app to prevent running pistons.
Did the manually update right now. Worked fine for me as well. Thanks guys.
Now I'm struggling a bit with getting HPM in sync again........
Thanks for the hint. Went through now. As mentioned before now figuring out how to tell HPM that the latest version is already installed. One step after the other
Well, it failed again.
I'm doing the update remotely - it couldn't be affected by it, or could???
No worries. I'll be back home in two months and, then, I'll have my Sheldon Cooper moment.
Go into packaged manager settings. Unmatch Webcore then match it back but set the option to assume latest version, I had to do that.
having trouble updating webcore with HPM... ive tried repair, update, reboot hub and to no avail
Note I can get to the dashboard and see all my pistons
do i have to manually install...if so is there directions for that?
Up above:
thanks for the quick reply...so I did that.... are you saying that I cannot use HPM any more or after doing this I can?
The HPM issue is being looked at, but probably isn't a quick fix, and the manual will be the only way until there is one. Can keep it in Sync with HPM by UnMatching webCoRE, and then re-Matching with the Assume Code is Current option turned on.
With the recent upgrade to HPM does this fix the issue of upgrading Webcore?
It did NOT work for me. I had to manually update instead.
HPM Worked on 3 out of my 4 hubs
Still having the same problem as well with the latest webcore 1.0.89 release
I do not think platform fixes have been released yet.
HPM bombed for me as well, had to do a manual install. That worked fine.
Bombed here too.
Tell me to but out, because I am someone who doesn't use WebCore, let alone someone who has to navigate this install / update issue....
But it feels like an issue with the time it takes to download, install and "initialize" certain components in peoples WebCore setup, nothing to do specifically with WebCore or HPM specifically, but something they are diligently seeking to solve, or at lease keep on top of via platform updates that may resolve the issue.
Just my 2c.....
I noticed the following warning in almost all of my piston logs:
I found in an earlier post this is caused by webCoRE update. Is there a convenient way to clear all the logs to get rid of this message or do I have to do this with every single piston now?
All apps should have same revision now.
Thanks for any help with this.
you can clear all piston logs from the webCoRE main app
Under settings
you need to have full logging enabled, then you should see lower:
Under piston cleanups
- Clear all piston logs, trace, stats,...
it may take few seconds to run, be patient
Should we be worried if we got Hubitat update but that did not fix the Webcore HPM error?