Error when updating to Webcore 1.0.88 with HPM

If you remove the HPM app (not the code), and then recreate the app you will be forced to do a match up. In that process is a check box to assume that all packages found are current.

Just want to make sure i do this process correctly. Can you point me in the right direction where to remove the app?

You can use UnMatch, and select WebCoRE. Now, HPM is not managing those files. You can manually do the upgrade via the code import URLs, detailed above. Once all the WebCoRE files you are using have been manually updated, you can go back into HPM and MatchUP to add WebCoRE back into being managed. During MatchUP, there's an option to mark the current package as up-to-date, select that :slight_smile:

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Worked! Thank you.

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@csteele I updated webCoRE manually following your description UnMatching in HPM and mathing again after the manually update.

Now I get this in HPM?

Does this makes sense to you? Did I do anything wrong or what is the best to proceed from this point?


I am not certain what problem you are referencing.. perhaps because it looks completely normal to me :smiley:

If you are questioning why WebCoRE shows 0.0 it's because 'versions' are not a concept known to the hub for user apps and drivers (or files and bundles). Versions exist within HPM and more specifically in the PackageManifests. And there's only one of those containing the latest version number: 1.0.88. There's no mechanism to identify a version of code that is just sitting in Hubitat's Code folders.

IF that's your question then just pretend "0.0" means unknown-to-HPM :smiley: and click Next.

Thanks for your fast reply. Is it correct that HPM now starts installing webCoRE again?

Sorry, but I got confused now

No, if you manually updated to the latest then under the screen capture you provided is an option to mark the selection as Up-to-Date. You should have selected that option, since, after all, you did add the latest :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your explanation. Makes sense, I thought I have to mark as the latest version during the Match-Up process.

Hmmmm,, what to do now. Can I unmatch and re-match again?

Thanks for your help

Edit: Un-Match a package is done via the Package Manager Settings, right? Just to clarify I did the right thing last time.

Edit2: Was able to fix it. All good now. Thanks!!!

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Still receiving the same error on updating webcore to 1.0.89

What error message are you seeing? You should provide some screenshots of logs and any relevant information about what you have tried before you saw the error .

Also, is it the same error you are referring to here?

If so, I would suggest just posting about this in one place.


Sorry about the double post. Attached screen shot of error.

Seems to be that the update just times out on the piston update. I have updated all of the apps and drivers manually and that worked.

I was mostly offering general advice, and gave not been following this issue. From what I have seen on this topic and the other topic, as @thebearmay explained on both these topics, a manual update is required for the code at the moment.

Ultimately it may be best for @csteele to confirm my interpretation.... He has commented about the next platform update possibly including something to help resolve the timeout error

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Understood. Wanted to just inform of the issue happening with the latest 1.0.89 update. Plus I believe there was another recent HE update that included extending the webcore timeout issue.

Will continue to update manually as necessary until a fix is issued.

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I don't see a link between the 1.0.88 and the current linked code at the manual update site...

Hi ! I followed the steps to manually update it and it seems to work, however the HPM is still showing a 10.0.88 version ,. How do I get rid of this? is that a real issue? how do I clear that ?
Thank you for the help

UnMatch WebCoRE and then MatchUP. WebCoRE will be in the list BUT be sure to click the 'up-to-date' option below the selector.

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Perfect, it worked ! thank you very much

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I know I'm replying to a old thread, but I assume manually updating the code for webcore is still the way to go?
