webCoRE for Hubitat Updates

How would I know if it can't contact the IDE?

Also, this is happening right at the 4-digit code, it doesn't let me go any further.

I was just editing pistons last night. This is weird.

It still works on my laptop, but not on the phone. I cleared cache on all the browser apps that I tried to log into.

It's almost as if it's hanging at the server level before it tries to find my Hubitat, it happens so fast.

Any help would be appreciated.

I would ensure your internet is up and working.

I would follow the steps in the link I posted above

(part of this is politely reboot your hub, follow the steps if IDE is not working properly)

Otherwise you need to post some logs of what is going on when you go into webcore and hit done.

I've done the steps at least three times after rebooting. Cleared cache on my Firefox mobile device, webcore mobile app and chrome, none of them work.

Unifi says the Hubitat is connected.

Nothing has changed since I was editing them last night.

It all started this morning when I wanted to edit something on my phone (Firefox tab) like I always do. It kicked me out, like it's been doing lately once a week/twice a week. I logged out, and can't log back in.

My new browser code will just not take..

No errors there.

I will repair the installation after a reboot then reboot it again then try again.

Could it have something to do with the webcore forum being down also?

Good question.

Process completed, no change. Won't take my 4 digit code.

Oh, and putting the phone in private/incognito mode and trying to log in doesn't help either

Oh, this is not good. It's only not working on my phone.

Just tried it on my tablet, it worked fine.

What (other than a hard reset) can fix this issue?

It appears to be a stuck database deep in my phone.

Already tried with a different browser on your phone?

The official beta app, Chrome reg/incognito, Firefox reg/Private

They are all failing.

Seems like a database that is pretty deep that is corrupted. No root access :angry:

SD Maid "App Cleaner" seems to have fixed it.

You can be free to clean up this conversation but would at least leave my solution up :slight_smile:

There is a new release today (if running user install)

  • New functions

    • roundTimeToMinutes(date or time, integer minutes, boolean roundup) returns a datetime variable

    • setTzid(string) allows you to set a different timezone for the this piston to operate in

      • likely should do this near the top of the piston
  • updated function:

    • formatDateTime(date or time, format, tzid). (added tzid so you can print out in a different timezone than the hub is in)
  • various cleanups and fixes

To install

hpm update

then hpm repair on webcore


@nh.schottfam no updates available in HPM

Currently v1.0.80 installed via HPM

Any ideas?

do an hpm repair after the update.

I have not pushed the change to everyone, hence the repair after update.

update ensures you hpm has the latest control files. repair forces to re-download the sources

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ok understood, you didn't push it to everyone. But if I don't get/see the update in HPM there is no need for a webCoRE repair after the udpate.

How do I get the update in the first place?

It is ok to not see an update for webCoRE (means you were up to date to the last pushed to everyone). You still want a repair to get the very latest.

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This morning, I received an HPM notification that an update was available to v0.3.114. I ran the update, and as usual for me, it failed the first time. I reran the HPM installation and it completed successfully. Each piston log now contains the following:

║WARNING: Results may be unreliable because the parent app's version(v0.3.114.20230809_HE) is newer than the child app's version(v0.3.114.20230727_HE). Please update both apps to the same version.

The Hubitat log says:

This happens for every update. I know that the Hubitat log means that there is a timeout, but I'm not sure what to do about this so it can be installed cleanly the first time.


Please do an hpm repair on webcore and see if it resolves.

If an issue, reboot your hub politely, wait a few mins, then do an hpm repair on webcore

The issues were resolved when I did a second installation. A second installation always resolves the issue, but updates always need a second installation to clear the failed first attempt. As for reboots, there have been many polite reboots yet the first failure persists.

My question was/is why does it always fail on the first attempt and how can I prevent it?

I expect this issue is hpm

on initial install, one must install parent app first, then child apps.

HPM always does this order, when on update, it should update child apps, then parent last so that control can be done for any after update version updates.

A reboot should solve above if everything installed. You can update the files by hand (but this is a PIA...) doing the webcore main last.

I'm not sure this is the problem you started with, as it seems HPM had an issue during the update installing one of the files. You can reboot prior to this update, wait a few mins.