webCoRE for Hubitat Updates

Big fan of webCoRE here. Over the years, my number of pistons has grown to 200+. I recently wanted to make some changes to a global variable, and I realized I have so many pistons that I can't quickly recall where I use all my global variables. Is there a way to audit which pistons use which global variables?

Not that I'm aware of. I use a lot of Globals and the whole point of them is to solve your problem of change.
Edit one piston, change the Global and all the other pistons that use it will use the new values.
Are you using them in some special way?

Sorry, I should have been more specific. In this instance, I'm not trying to change the value of a global variable, but change the variable name. I have sleeping veto variables for all the bedrooms, but I short-shortsightedly name the variables after the room occupants. Well, my kids have recently switched rooms, and the variable names are starting to confuse me because they no longer apply to the occupant named in the variable. I would like to change the variable names to represent a more generic room name, but if I change the variable name, it breaks all the pistons where it is referenced. If I could quickly audit where the variables are used, I could update the variable references and make sure everything is working. As it currently stands, if I changed the variable name, it would likely break several pistons that I would not catch until weird behavior started happening.

I have added to the list to create a report for this. Not sure when I'll get to it, but noted.

If you subscribe to variables, during a pause / resume of a piston you should see an error if the variable does not exist.


Hi folks,

Looking for help in running the WebCoRE UI locally. I'm in the process of migrating from long time usage of WebCoRE on SmartThings. Have successfully gotten all my pistons up and running but looking to get the UI over locally so I can use local piston links instead of cloud.

I successfully have the UI running and accessible. However, when I attempt to edit a piston, all of them look very odd (see pictures). I'm uploading a good view of the piston using dashboard.webcore.co and a bad view using my local install. Using a "red" image since there is nothing in this piston that I'm concerned about and this piston reflects the problems that all of them are showing.

The logic is "blanked out" and none of the devices are shown. Also note that the UI version is shown in the head as a very old version (v0.3.108.20180906 ) even though I used the link at the top of the thread for local and have attempted to reinstall/update multiple times. Is there a better link?

The pistons edit correctly using dashboard.webcore.co and they are running fine so I'm pretty sure that the pistons are fine. It appears to be an issue with the install of the local UI and I've exhausted all my insights on debugging it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It sounds like you are not using the UI files from the HE web repo, but from some other repo.

Please check that you are cloning the UI files from the HE repo listed in note 1, and note 2 of this thread. Please review note 1 and 2 of this thread also.

Yep. I am using the files linked in the Patched webCoRE for Hubitat (2018/09/09) thread (jp0550:hubitat-patches).

Thanks for the rapid response. Let me go back and try using the right code. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much!

Hi @nh.schottfam
I have just come across this issue and cannot for the life of me figure out why this is happening.
During the recent hot weather in the UK I decide to add a section to close the curtains during the day if the temperature is too high.
Here is the whole rule, which has been working fine, and the circled section is the added expression.


When I hit test the following log appears.


As you can see a scheduled job is set up for 9 minutes for the true expression.



While the wait time was counting down, this appeared in the logs which looks to me like the original 9 minute time has been cancelled or at least no longer there. (Ignore the times BTW as I tried something else.
The expression the goes pending and finally red and starts to count upwards.
Any thoughts on what could be happening?

A guess is the wait is nested below two if's

You might in your nested then areas set variables to tell you what to do, then do the actions outside the nested if's based on your variable that get set.

How do access HSM status in an expression?
Basically i want to now if HSM has been disarmed for less than 2 minutes.

The global $hsmStatus (or alarmSystemStatus)

should give you the current status.

You should be able to subscribe to hsmStatus (or alarmSystemStatus) to see if it changes

I would try something like this:

$hsmStatus (system variable)

So a new version is pushed out today. It does require the latest HE firmware for all features to operate.

  • New experimental feature is ability to do graphs (a la hubigraphs) for both devices and fuel streams.

    • has ability to create long term storage for device/attribute data

      • if you have existing hubigraph LTS files, you can create a new long term storage in webcore for the same device / attribute, then you can place the existing data from the hubigraph file into the new file created by webcore for that LTS, and webcore can automatically read the old data and put it into the new more efficient format.
    • can graph fuel stream data (typically that is numeric)

      • this allows you to create arbitrary data for graphing
    • quantization can be applied on selected graph data sources, without having to create a new LTS just for quantization.

    • can create a tile device for use in dashboards

    • you can duplicate graphs you create in webcore if you want to have a new one starting with an existing one.

    • Thanks to the testers of this

    • there may still be issues and more things to implement.

  • Ability to subscribe to a pistonResume event within a piston that notifies it was resumed.

  • Ability to backup all pistons from the webCoRE IDE (if you use staging.webcore.co, or a local webCoRE server with latest js/html/css files.)

Several fixes for issues reported by folks:

  • removed time offsetting webcore did on time comparisons (was 2 seconds)

  • fixed some time as string parsing and comparison issues reported by folks

  • fix for restrictions (only when in your piston) were not properly restricting operation is some cases

  • fix for empty $args when executing a piston with arguments


I'm getting an upgrade failure. I tried to manually update not using HPM and it doesn't save either. Has anyone else seen this issue? Thank you for the great work. Love webcore I use it mostly.

please do try an HPM repair.

You may have caught something in between a test.

After I attempted a manual update of piston update that didn't complete to save. I went back into HPM then it updated.. I am plan on running a repair anyway.



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This is awesome.. No longer do I have to keep breaking my local webcore backups into sections for them to complete. And the graphs is a very welcome addition. I currently use Hubigraphs, but since that dev is no longer active, its always been a worry that one day it would just up and stop working.. Now I have some piece of mind!

Thank you so much for these additions.

Question. Do we need to move to WebCore local? I did try once to attempt to get this setup. However, I not looking to maintian another "service". Is Webcore going away? Is there an easier way to get WebCore local setup?