webCoRE for Hubitat Updates

Upgrade failed then,

Error Occurred During Installation

An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to upgrade app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imnotbob/webCoRE/hubitat-patches/smartapps/ady624/webcore-piston.src/webcore-piston.groovy. Please notify the package developer..

After doing a repair on my C4,

One of my C7's went through ok, I'll hold back on my other C7

Error Occurred During Installation

I had this happen on my C-3 a couple of updates ago; I rebooted the hub, retried the package repair and the update then succeeded. The current update went through on the first try.

Nope same result

Are you getting a warning on this? I don't expect it to off hand.

No warnings at all. Just asking if this would be a good way of putting to not increase the overhead. I have read the page you sent out but in there I dont see anything related to groupas of conditions nested in groups of conditions and processing overhead. :grinning:

I have no concerns on 'overhead'. The main thing to watch is if you code a piston that it wakes up all the time (and does nothing).

if I put the static conditions before the trigger event, do it wake up all the time?

Might want to let the hub settle a bit after rebooting; I usually wait an hour or so before doing anything that would make it busier before stressing it with an app update (at least a sizeable one).

In the end, you piston 'wakes up' for any event it is subscribed to.

So wakeups depend on # of events that occur.

The piston could do something or nothing when it wakes up...

I would suggest just get things working as you want for automation. Then there can be a discussion/review if you think there are too many events. In general it should not be a big issue.

I have followed the instructions in note 2 and used the commands from @Tony (thank you!). Cleared all cache registries and security tokens and now I am not getting an error but also not seeing my pistons. Also, anytime I click on any of the links in the UI (dashboard, fuel streams, backup pistons, etc.) it redirects me back to the register browser prompt. I have logged out and back in a dozen times. I've rebooted the RPi twice and cleared all data and cache from my browser. Any other ideas?

If you go into webcore main app

HE -> apps -> webcore

what happens when you select 'dashboard'?

When I select dashboard I get this:

I get the same blank window

I just noticed the same thing (blank window when selecting dashboard) when I have 'Use custom endpoints' set.

I normally don't use this setting; I do not set custom endpoints but just open a browser and enter the IP of my RPi when I want to use the local dash and that still works as expected (though I needed to log out of the local dash and log in with a new registration code from the WebCoRE app).

@nh.schottfam : Is it supposed to be fixed in the current release ?

This is in the current release. Answered via private message.

I have just upgraded to the latest release of WC.
All my motion pistons are dead, not sure what else. The events are in the device logs but the pistons never fire. I can set my thermostat fine.
I have edited and saved a piston and it seems to re-subscribe,
Cleared the cache, did a HPM repair.
Can you post URL's for the previous code to downgrade?
EDIT Found a backup from 3 days ago so I'm back in business on 3.113 2022.0105

Subscribing to devices...
+258ms ║Device missing from piston. Loading all from parent (228ms)
+261ms ║Using Attribute motion subscription
+268ms ║Using Attribute motion subscription
+275ms ║Subscribing to Office Motion.motion...

I get an active event in the logs but the logic always fails on testing "motion changes" Condition 3 should be true, illuminance is = 0

+3ms ╔Received event [Office Motion].motion = inactive with a delay of 25ms, canQueue: true, calledMyself: false
+14ms ║RunTime initialize > 13 LockT > 0ms > r9T > 4ms > pistonT > 2ms (first state access 9 4 9)
+17ms ║Runtime (8331 bytes) initialized in 4ms (v0.3.114.20220203_HE)
+18ms ║╔Execution stage started
+26ms ║║Comparison (string) :32e164a2e42f34f83c6d5126248c9a8d: is_any_of (string) :7c76bcf13f4437d56396ddf04776b595:,:32e164a2e42f34f83c6d5126248c9a8d:,:5fd38bb05278864e858c60e0d78f1eb4: = true (2ms)
+28ms ║║Condition #1 evaluated true (6ms)
+45ms ║║Condition #3 evaluated false (15ms)
+46ms ║║Condition group #2 evaluated false (state did not change (16ms)
+53ms ║║Condition #10 evaluated false (4ms)
+54ms ║║Condition group #9 evaluated false (state did not change (6ms)
+60ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (41ms)

@nh.schottfam Just starting in migrating 100+ pistons from ST to HE. Are there any plans to change the format of webCoRE global variables or the way how HE hub variables will be displayed within HE webCoRE (@@HE_hub_variable).

Just asking to get an idea what's the best way to revise my pistons regarding my global variables.


this is fixed

in latest

apologies to folks for the hassles.

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There is some discussion on variables here:

If you can be more specific on you questions, that will help