webCoRE for Hubitat Updates

The SystemArm/SystemDisarm and MotionDetectionEnable/MotionDetectionDisable are from my Blink drivers, as was brought up in another thread.

Apparently they are "benign" because I am using the parameter area with the commands to be able to put descriptions on the device's page, but no actual parameters are being used. I do not have commands for "showMessage" or those "toggle" ones though, so those must be from other drivers.

thanks. Certainly, sound, picture and input aren't yours.
Logs are off now so I guess what I don't know can't hurt me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Well my logs are off but I'm getting hundreds of these daily. Ever since the last WC update a few days ago possibly? Never seen this action in the many years of running WC.
Can I downgrade WC to check and see if this is the issue? I'm using HPM so I would need the old source link.

app:122022-12-20 08:56:16.583warnStrange command SystemArm with commands [n:SystemArm, p:[null], cm:true] has nulls

app:122022-12-20 08:56:15.458warnStrange command toggleSoundMode with commands [n:toggleSoundMode, p:[null], cm:true] has nulls

app:122022-12-20 08:56:15.456warnStrange command togglePictureMode with commands [n:togglePictureMode, p:[null], cm:true] has nulls

app:122022-12-20 08:56:15.454warnStrange command toggleInputSource with commands [n:toggleInputSource, p:[null], cm:true] has nulls

app:122022-12-20 08:56:15.451warnStrange command showMessage with commands [n:showMessage, p:[null], cm:true] has nulls

app:122022-12-20 08:56:15.406warnStrange command toggleSoundMode with commands [n:toggleSoundMode, p:[null], cm:true] has nulls

app:122022-12-20 08:56:15.404warnStrange command togglePictureMode with commands [n:togglePictureMode, p:[null], cm:true] has nulls

app:122022-12-20 08:56:15.402warnStrange command toggleInputSource with commands [n:toggleInputSource, p:[null], cm:true] has nulls

app:122022-12-20 08:56:15.401warnStrange command showMessage with commands [n:showMessage, p:[null], cm:true] has nulls

ok, I push an update to allow quiet this down.

Update pushed out that should allow quieting of logs (controlled by debug level logging)

Also updates IDE modules for how custom device commands and parameters are handled

The IDE changes are on staging.webcore.co or in the repo

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I have just read the announcement webCoRE: A beautiful story continues beyond December 31st 2022 and have a few questions. #1: will development stop on the custom app we've been using all these years? #2: And will we loose access to the groovy source code like all the built in apps on the Hubitat hub? #3: Is Hubitat assuming control over dashboard.webcore.co? #4: Will we still have the ability to run the web interface locally?

IMHO Having webCoRE separate from the hub has given it more stability in that webCoRE is fully developed and changes infrequently. No disrespect to the Hubitat team, but it seems with every release things break, especially with Rule Machine. It would not be a good thing if that started to happen to webCoRE


No, the ongoing maintenance will continue to be in the hands of our community, especially @nh.schottfam and @ipaterson who have done a fantastic work to continue what Adrian has started in 2016. Any updates and bug fixes to the source code will come with the platform releases.

No, the source code will remain open.

We will be hosting the cloud infrastructure so that Adrian doesn't have to pay for the thousands of active users from his own pocket.

Nothing changes.


Good move @bobbyD . I hope this question doesn't start a whole "which is better" debate. I used RM when @bravenel first offered it on ST and switched to CoRE, then webCoRE, after Bruce pulled RM. And have been happily RM'ing here on HE ever since. Bruce has addressed in the past the relative niches for each engine. My question:

Once the object code is running on Hubitat, for a given task (or piston as it were), is there any execution efficiency gain or loss by using webCoRE vs RM?

Choice is good as JD used to say. Rule Machine will always be 100% local. webCoRE, while execution is local, building the rule is still cloud based.

The webCoRE vs Rule Machine debate has always been in the building of rules flow. Some prefer Adrian's workflow, while others feel more comfortable with Bruce's workflow. Execution efficiency is less relative +/- a few milliseconds here and there is negligible when you use the power of local processing that Hubitat Elevation offers.


If we install the Community version, is there a migration path to the built-in version when it's available? Or does there even need to be?


Will be seamless transition from user installed app to system app, without user interaction.


There is a small webCoRE update available (HPM repair to get it today, will update HPM files later this week).

The release

  • updates threeAxis device support for a couple of bugs found
  • updates tracking for device:attribute tracking triggers
  • has updates that work with staging ui modules for improved display of custom device command with parameters.
  • further optimizations

There were some previous fixes rolled out:

  • allow scheduling correctly every other week or every N weeks
  • new function ispistonpaused(name) to get status if a piston is paused

There is a release update (user install) listed in first note of this thread.

This will roll into next HE release for built-in


Post update, I've noted that piston name changes are not reflected on the dashboard upon returning to the dashboard. This is happening on my locally hosted dashboard and both dashboard.webcore.co and staging.webcore.co. This occurs even when the renamed pistons are moved to a new category.

I did a subsequent repair install, retested, and got the same results. The problem is present when using either Firefox 108.1 or Microsoft Edge 108.0.1462.54.

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I'll look into this.

As a workaround you likely can go hit 'done' in the main webCoRE app and things should be correct. I will find the root issue


Update again (HPM), and let me know if fixed.

On the run and only had time for a cursory check, but it does appear to be working correctly now.

ETA: Definitely working correctly now. I tried a dozen ways to break it and couldn't. :smile:


Hi there!
I just have a question, why do my registrated instance of webcore just go away every time? With ST I had all my instance inside the menu and I can select the instance I want to go in... With HE, I register a browser and then click on register an instance...etc but the instance still there for a time and if I quit and come back, I must click the instance inside HE but I cannot change instance once inside webcore... Is there any solution on this?
