Webcore fatal error during update 1.0.88

I'm getting a fatal error during the latest Webcore HPM update (1.0.88). Despite following the instructions to reboot the hub prior to updating, it rolls back during the update, then the hub load starts reporting as severe.

Any ideas what's going on with it? How do I get it installed? Or is it better to skip this update and wait for a resolution?

This is a known issue that is being looked at. The webCoRE Piston app has grown in size to the point that the update is timing out. If you need to update, manually import the code for each webCoRE app, unmatch webCoRE in HPM and then re-Match clicking the assume code is current box.


Ok, thanks very much, I'll try that :+1:

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I think I might be confused a bit. I thought WebCore was now a built in app for HE.
I installed it via the Apps page.
I don't see any Webcore apps on the app code page.

Ah glad I saw this - same issue here. Think I'll hang on for a fix for now.

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It is both. Community version may receive an update a little sooner but for the most part they are the same. Community version exists to support those that at were using it prior to it moving to built-in. Built-in version is not subject to the update timeouts when upgrading.

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Is there any documentation for how to use the Webcore Prescence Driver?

That one goes a ways back, let me see if I can find something. iOS or Android?

Here are the original instructions:

Some more information:

I decided to hang fire as well, couldn't find all the code on github and didn't want to cause myself more problems.

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Thanks again

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Here are the direct links to the webCoRE code:

1. webcore-piston.groovy import URL:
2. webcore.groovy import URL:
3. webcore-storage.groovy import URL (for $weather functionality):

β€’ You only need fuel stream app installed if you use graphing / enable local fuel streams. Import URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imnotbob/webCoRE/hubitat-patches/smartapps/ady624/webcore-fuel-stream.src/webcore-fuel-stream.groovy

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Great, thanks very much :+1: :+1:

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When trying to update the piston code it just seems to keep continuously loading when I hit the save button after importing. Any idea why this would happen?

The piston code is the largest of the webCoRE application. It takes a long time to load. That's the reason why it fails when trying to install via HPM (it's timing out) and why it takes so long when installing it manually. It takes in excess of 7 minutes - probably longer, I haven't actually timed it, to load the 'Piston' code. Give it more time to complete. If it never completes, that's a different issue.

I still can't update this via HPM, it fails every time. Is it now just broken basically and the only way is to update the code manually? I'm just nervous about doing it that way in case I mess something up...

For clarity I get this message:

Error Occurred During Installation

An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to upgrade app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imnotbob/webCoRE/hubitat-patches/smartapps/ady624/webcore-piston.src/webcore-piston.groovy. Please notify the package developer.. Be sure the package is not in use with devices.

Also this in logs: Error upgrading app: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

The piston code is currently too large to run through HPM, but as long as you edit, import and save the following, preferably in the order listed, you won't have a problem:


Thanks, appreciate the extra detail on what order to do things etc. I'll give it a go in the next few days. :crossed_fingers:

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Even though HPM was updated to change the timeout to 7 minutes, Hubitat ignores it as of firmware 2.0.9:



void httpPost(String uri, String body, Closure closure)

void httpPost(Map params, Closure closure)


uri - The full URI to send the request to.

body - The body of the request as a String. Any encoding should be done before passing to the system.

params - the parameters to use to build the http call. Possible values:

  • uri - The uri to send the request to
  • queryString - The raw, already-escaped query string.
  • query - Add these parameters to the existing query string. If any of the parameters already exist in the query, these values will not replace them. Multiple values for the same query parameter may be added by putting them in a list.
  • headers - Request headers
  • path - The path component of this request. The value may be absolute or relative to the current path.
  • contentType - The content-type used for any data in the request body, as well as the Accept content-type that will be used for parsing the response.
  • requestContentType - Assign a different content-type for the request than is expected for the response.
  • body - The request body. If this is a Map or Array, the system will take care of encoding it based on the requestContentType.
  • timeout (since 2.0.9) - timeout in seconds for the request, max timeout is 300

So to update manually I need to go to Apps code - Webcore, Select import, copy & paste the URL, click import - click save