Webcore fatal error during update 1.0.88

Normally you'll want to do these three (and preferably in this order):

1. webcore-piston.groovy import URL:
2. webcore.groovy import URL:
3. webcore-storage.groovy import URL (for $weather functionality):

I did all three, import and save but is there something else I need to do?

HPM still tells me WebCore has an update..

Doing the import bypasses HPM, so you’ll need to unmatch webCoRE and do a rediscover with the assume version is current option.

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Can you enlighten me on how to do the unmatch?

Just figured it out... Thanks..

SO I did the unmatch and rediscover in HPM. Webcore still show it can be updated. Tried it and I get the same error.

OK All good now. Missed the Assume check when I did the match-up function.