Weather station wanted that is local-only (no internet usage)

I'm not experienced in it at all, but could there be a way to grab the data from the weather station via Node-red into a database and then poll the data from Hubitat? Or something to that effect?

Bill, I think that's the way to go. The weather station software (like wview that I used to use) keeps the data locally and has a number of interfaces. I used to feed CWOP and Weather Underground.

Ambient Weather WS-1401-IP Observer with Meteobridge. For the Meteobridge you can buy a pre-configured one for $200.00 or buy a TP-Link N150 and flash it with Meteobridge for $40.00.

Works locally with HE using this driver, all data is usable in RM, and everything you need is available on amazon.

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I do have one of these and have really liked it. I've moved a couple times and always make it a point to set it up at my new location. It has survived the harsh summers of Arizona, and the chilly winters of Utah, so it is really reliable. I've also never had to change the batteries.

Anyway, it is hard to get a hold of nowadays.

Found a new one on eBay, but I can't use it as the Z-Wave frequency is 868.4 mhz.

Look here:

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EcoWitt systems are local and you can pull info from Davis systems.

Sure. If that refer to my previous post, I was just adding a link to another thread that explains how to do it simply. I haven't found that info anywhere else.

What data are you getting with your driver and weatherlink live? I have the same setup and would like to bring data into hubitat. Is it possible to get the driver?

Here you go:

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Maybe start out with an Ambient or even the Ecowitt.
WeatherFlow -
( [PROJECT] Driver for WeatherFlow API)

Davis to me is the best choice for a long lasting WX Station and accuracy. But you will be spending some coin.

You could use the data from one of the weather apps or drivers in Hubitat.
BPTWorld - Weather Dot Gov
Matt- OpenWeatherMap

Using weatherflow's api exclusively makes you internet dependent as it relies on connecting with their servers for the data.

However you can use weatherflows udp broadcast in say node red (as I do) and feed the station info into virtual devices back into hubitat via maker api, then it is completely local non dependent on internet.

Sorry Wayne. Didn't know the details of the WXflow API. Thanks for the clarification.

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I actually use both, but for the api I only use the lightning detection and wind direction data as the upd broadcast in numeric form and I'm too lazy to convert it as it's not that important. Everything else I get locally.

Thank you! @jonathanb