Water valve monthly test

I have a Z wave water valve that is connected to all of my water sensors. I am trying to set up a rule of some type so that my water valve will test itself every month and send me a notification if the test is successful or unsuccessful.

Please let me know how you guys handle this sort of thing. Thanks and have a great day.

Is the valve a Fortrezz or similar? If so, one of the older ones that were sold as part of AT&T Digital Life or a newer one. Either way, these are problematic. I have a newer one, and even so, when I turn it off, I turn it off multiple times, power cycle the valve until, and repeat.

I do test it but visually as I have a camera on it.

No matter which valve you could consider a device that measures water flow. If on a well, install a Sinope power switch on the well pump, and turn it off if a leak is detected.

It would be helpful to know (both @JoshT and any responses) exactly what valve make and model we are talking about.

If the valve accurately reports open/close state independent of what the hub driver thinks it is, then this is easy to solve. Mine does not.

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I test mine monthly, I have reminder on my phone. I just turn on the water in the sink or a bathroom and then use the dashboard to turn off my valve and make sure the water shuts off. Not very sophisticated, but it works.

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I do something like this as well. Easy to do, and I like watching it in action rather than automating it.

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