Wall Mounted Tablet Advice

Have any users used a wall mount tablet for displaying the dashboard? Is there a good wall mount for a 10 inch tablet that can be mounted over a junction box? I want to run a POE Ethernet connection from my network switch to power the device. Also is the browser adequate or is their an APP that would work better?..Thanks…

What kind of tablet? iPad or some Android variant? iPad mounts are easier to find as they are the same size/form Android variants are a little more tricky.

Vidabox is a good start

For custom jobs I use:

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I used something more basic in my build. iPad and Echo dot mounts, plus 24 switches/dimmers via Lurton keypads. The Command Center. Here is my install overview with POE power.

@spelcheck Smartly Skin on HE dash

mount- https://www.amazon.com/Wall-iPad-Mount-Mini/dp/B00GUDZKLU

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Oh I kinda like the use of the Lutron Keypads as hard buttons for control.... it actually would provide a nice interface AND you could use a standard video display (TV or monitor) without touchscreen (saves cost) and get larger sizes. Interesting....

Wow...fast response....thanks ....I am undecided which tablet to use.....either Mac or Android.....There are some cheaper Ipads out there if they perform better for the task. I am a newbie to Hubitat and have set up around 30 devices so far....will check out your links...thanks again...

Thanks...will check out your article.....

Something else. Don't throw out the advantage of a "mobile" dashboard ie a tablet on a counter stand or table stand. This provides a couple of benefits.

  1. Don't have to find wall space
  2. Don't have to run wiring (just remember to charge them)
  3. Portability/pick-up factor is liked by people (my family especially)
  4. Move to other rooms/kitchen/couch

Out control tablet gets used for "dashboard" of house events, control, cameras and as a cookbook and youtube video board in the kitchen. Portable provides a lot of options. Yet it has the drawbacks of power/charging and sometimes having to go and find it because it's inside the couch :slight_smile:


One of the issues I wish someone could solve is being able to wire a charging cable (for the tablet) to a 2 wire (no neutral) swich box. Until then I'll be waiting for the wireless electricity market to make greater advancements.

You do understand that every outlet/receptacle power has a neutral? This is a requirement for power to actually work. The "neutral" requirement for a smart switch is a "shared neutral" between the power source and the load.

Pull an power outlet and there are 3 wires. Line, Neutral, Ground.

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I am going to install a new junction box and pull a Cat6 cable from my Ubiquiti POE switch and use a POE to 5vdc converter in the box for the tablet.

If doing a new box with wiring then the Vidabox is a nice option as it will mount to the box as a surface mount option. Makes for easy maintenance too.



They seem well constructed but a little pricy....but I guess you get what you pay for....would make a nice install....thanks...

Like they say "You get what you pay for...."

One last question....what flavor of iPad (10 inch) is good for this?.....there are may out there....I suppose it doesn't require a lot of horsepower to do the dashboard....

Any iPad has more than enough muscle to power dashboards. I run a kiosk app (full screen/open on facial recog) so it is good to have something newish to get the latest updates.

iPad 4 seem to be plentiful and fairly inexpensive....perhaps that is a good choice?

Yes I'm aware, I'm just hoping someone can come up with a miracle similar to no neutral "smart" switches being able to work. I know it's wishful thinking. Hence my comment on wireless electricity market.

will run Dashboards, won't run the newest iOS 13 (iPad4 = 2012)

I would look for a 5, that is at least 2017, but again any will do it. Both my old iPad running iOS 12 and the mounted one running iOS 13.3 are about the same with HE.

My thinking was if I am going to put a big hole in the wall I do not want to replace it anytime soon.

Thanks....will hunt for one.....

What kind of switches are those?