Vivint CT-200

I don't know. For the thermostat in my bedroom I got yelled at for turning it on, as my wife walked by it in the middle of the night and it scared her when it came on. Lol. It's a bit bright in a dark room.

Bad picture of it in the dark:

If you pull the c wire the ct200 will act as a zwave repater. Assuming this project works i will be pulling that wire for that reason.

Yikes! That is bright!!

Yes, when powered it acts as a repeater.

I am having an issue with my thermostat. For whatever reason it's just not getting cool enough. I know it's due to the setup/wiring but I've re-read the manual several times and ensured the wiring was correct. I'm about ready to throw my hands up.

Not really sure what to say about that.

  • Is it reaching the cooling setpoint?
  • If not, is it continuously running or turning on/off? If running constantly, then you've got what you've got...

It should be going down to the setpoint and turning off. Waiting until it gets however much hotter you have the swing setting set to, and turning back on. Unlike some thermostats it does no go past the setpoint and then turn off - if setpoint is 75 it turns off AT 75.

It can help to data log the temperature somewhere to watch it (I record it in a node-red graph, but there are other ways to do it too).

It's constantly running and the air feels somewhat cool but it doesn't feel as cold like it normally would. So it's something to do with the thermostat not engaging the way it should.

My setup is a single stage heat pump for cooling/heating. This was my configuration on the old thermostat

And I configured heating as heat pump 1 stage and cooling as heat pump and 1 stage. I made sure the switch on the back of the thermostat was set for having only one R wire. And plugged my R wire into the RH.

I will say it's brutally hot outside today. I think it got up to 96 outside here in Florida.

Over the last hour it has dropped 2 degrees. I'm going to keep an eye on it.

If both the fan and compressor are kicking on, that's about all the thermostat does... It can't turn it on "more" (if it is only a 1 stage unit). :slight_smile:

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Yeah I know what you mean. I guess it's just too hot out. I should have waited to replace it until the sun went down lol

If the fan or compressor wasn't turning on, I would say maybe one of the wires isn't fully connected/making good contact.

But if you matched the colors to the letters, it is pretty hard to get "wrong" from a wiring standpoint. Although I did forget to check the RC/RH switch on one of mine... Was wondering why the AC wasn't turning on - I normally put the red on RH.... :wink:

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Yes when I first wired it, I put the red wire to RC, and the heat kicked on instead of the A/C when set to cooling. Had to read that it should be connected to RH instead.

Is there anyway to set the outside temperature? I'm unsure where it gets that info and it's incorrect.

I'm sure there is - there actually has to be as when on the Vivint panel it will show something there - but it is undocumented.

You're 100% correct when connected to a Vivint panel it will show the outside temperature based on the Vivint panels ZIP code location.

I'm not sure how it gets that information when not connected to a Vivint panel.

It is most assuredly over zwave (manufacturer specific command most likely).

Someone could sniff it out, I just don't have the time though.

If we knew where to write it, and it is zwave as I suspect, I could add it as a command to the driver and people could probably just update it via an RM rule or something.

Okay guys so here are the results of everything.

I received the panel from Adam and was able to pair my CT200 to the Vivint sky panel. I made sure my panel was connected to Wi-Fi and was fully updated. Once I connected the thermostat to the panel it asks the user if you want to enable or disable security on the thermostat. I disabled security removed it from the panel and then added it back to the habitat. I used the driver provided by Jason Joel and like magic the thermostat works 100%. The device even works through an Alexa and Google skills.

After finding the success I ran a new cable from my thermostat to my AC unit so I could have dedicated power, enabling the is the z wave releater mode and the UI advance (I very much enjoy that it comes on with motion now)

As agreed upon by Adam and I. I will pass this panel on to the next person that needs it. DM me a message and your address and I can get it out to you.


Ah, that's good. I expected it would as I added Google Home support to a previous thermostat driver I did, but have been too busy to test it.

It seems to work perfectly through google. In Alexa though its not %100. The app will show what the setpoint temp and actual temp are but wont allow you to change it unless you use a voice command.

After several hours and it finally getting down to the desired temperature. I am realizing that the fan never turns off even though it's set to Auto mode and I'm unsure how to set it to off. Because when it says it's off it never actually turns off.

I'm beginning to think that this specific thermostat might be faulty. I checked in the information section and when everything is supposed to be off it's saying that the G relay is still active (for the fan) so it's not telling it to actually turn off.