Vibration Sensor

Did you try configuring lower sensitivity?

@Rxich what is the experience with your sensor, seems like it is the same?

Yes I have tried the lowest and also left it on a table that is definitely still with no chance of being knocked

When changing the sensitivity, the sensor must be 'awake' at the time when you click on the 'Save Preferences' button. In your case this is probably fulfilled, as the device is constantly reporting acceleration ..

Please check the logs - when you save the sensitivity preference, do you see on the device log page an Info log "vibration sensitivity : 6" ( or the sensitivity level you selected) ?

It looks to be adjusted accordingly

The device is currently sat on a table with no vibration and is constantly detecting vibration. I guess it could be a faulty device

I have one of the Moe's (Tuya based) vibration sensors. It operates using the Tuya Zigbee Vibration Sensor driver. I have mine set with a sensitivity of 2. When changing the sensitivity setting, you always have to tap the Configure button before the change will take effect

I have found that the best way to pair Zigbee devices is to start with the device about 20 feet away from the Hubitat hub and the put both the hub and the device into pairing mode. I then start walking slowly toward the hub. Usually, before I get within 20 ft of the hub, the device is fully paired. The reason I do this is that the antennas within the hub and device are not omnidirectional and there can also be variations in the null patterns of the signals. Placing the device in a fixed position might not be ideal for pairing, even if you are close to the hub. By moving the device, you insure you are covering a variety of positions until the transmissions are completed.

Hello Krassimir, My sensor is working fine.The fingerprint from your driver is a perfect match. I use the sensor on my mailbox and it's been fine. When paired, It received it's 16bit address about 6 weeks ago, and has held the address consistently and working perfectly. I think it's a good product.


@philpugh the logs look just fine - the device is reporting back the sensitivity level, i.e. the configuration has been successful. Seems like a bad luck with a faulty device...

I'll send it back to Amazon and try another one

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Mine just started doing the same thing, reporting constantly, after being placed on my mailbox. I'm going to try to re-pair the sensor, as the other same sensor I have on Zigbee2mqtt is not doing this

Please enable the Debug logging and send me some logs that include the period when the sensor reports vibration

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Hi Krassimir, It's quite odd. I tested the sensor on my desk for about 2 weeks where it behaved well, then when moved to the mailbox is when the trouble started, so I lowered the sensitivity from 3 to 6, which seemed to lower the number of reports. Let me first try removing from the mailbox and placing back on my desk to see what will happen. Right now the sensor is at the top of my mailbox, and the mailbox is mounted on a 3 foot 4x4 post, so maybe it is picking up vibrations from the mounting situation.

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My community will not permit us to set mailbox posts in concrete. They are afraid the snow plows might strike them and cause damage. In my case at least, the mailbox can move lightly during high winds or if heavy vehicles come close. My mail carrier used to drive an old mail truck that had a distinctive sound. Recently, our post office started replacing older vehicles with new battery powered vehicles, which are quiet. Thus, I no longer can hear the mail truck. I need a method to detect when mail is delivered, but I am concerned about too many false positives with a vibration sensor. A tilt sensor on the door might be a better option.

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Tilt sensor or contact sensor

Looks like , even at lowest setting, it's too sensitive for the mailbox. Haven't had any false vibration since moving indoors 4 days ago

You can try filtering the vibration events from an RM5 rule (vibrations last for at least 5 seconds for example), but I am not sure if such an approach will work for your application at the mailbox.

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I am UK based and looking for a supplier for these, I am looking on Amazon and see a number of Tuya Vibration Sensors with a different chinese prefix... would the prefix matter? I assume not...


FENGCHUANG Tuya Smart Vibration Sensor

Vokmon Tuya ZigBee Vibration Sensor

Mingtongli Tuya ZigBee Vibration Sensor

and many others! Unfortunately none of these are currently being shipped by Amazon

It should be one and the same device, offered by different resellers.

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Although Tuya develops the underlying technology, AFAIK they do not actually produce and market any consumer devices. The devices are produced by several other Chinese companies. As long as you get a Tuya based, Zigbee 3.0 certified device, you should be OK. I have one made by Moes, but there are several others.

Even here in the States, Amazon is only offering these devices shipped directly from China, taking several weeks for delivery. I do not know what arrangements have been made for UK shipments.

Another alternative is the Aqara vibration sensor. It will work well as long as all your repeaters are compatible with Aqara zigbee. I had some older Smartthings and Centralite plugs (HA1.2) that were not compatible with Aqara. I could not get the Aqara device to stay connected until I replaced them with HA3.0 plugs. If you have older hard-wired zigbee devices, they may or may not be compatible. The Aqara devices are not too expensive, so you might want to get one to see what happens.
The Aqara vibration sensor will work with the community driver
Xiaomi Aqara Mijia Sensors and Switch developed by @waytotheweb.


I have a replacement device and this is also not working as I would like, this one picked up some events for a couple of hours then stopped and now constantly blinks red.

I havent had a great experience with Xiaomi in the past but I am willing to give one a go...

Mine just came in today.

Just for verification

Current States
_info : installed
acceleration : inactive
battery : 100.0
batteryVoltage : 3.0

fingerprint TZ3000_bmfw9ykl / TS0210

* fingerprint profileId:"0104", 
- endpointId:"01", 
- inClusters:"0001,0500,0000", 
- outClusters:"0019,000A”
- model:"TS0210"
- manufacturer:"_TZ3000_bmfw9yk”

- Zigbee description:zone status 0x0401 -- extended status 0x00 sourceEndpoint:01, - zoneId:FF, delay:0000
- ZCL version:03
- Software Build Id:unknown
- enroll request endpoint 0x01 : data 0x0015

some logging for reference [dev:47] Vibration sensor: Zone status: zone status 0x0401 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:FF, delay:0000

[dev:47] Vibration sensor: Parsing: read attr - raw: 3F8101000068040042105F545A333030305F626D667739796B6C0000002003010000204005000042065453303231300700003003FEFF003000, dni: 3F81, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0000, size: 68, attrId: 0004, encoding: 42, command: 01, value: 105F545A333030305F626D667739796B6C0000002003010000204005000042065453303231300700003003FEFF003000

Vibration sensor sendZigbeeCommands received : [he wattr 0x3F81 0x01 0x0500 0x0013 0x20 {03} {}, delay 2000]

Vibration sensor: Configuring vibration sensitivity to : 3

[dev:47 Vibration sensor: Zone status: zone status 0x0401 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:FF, delay:0000

[dev:47] Vibration sensor: Parsing: zone status 0x0401 -- extended status 0x00 - sourceEndpoint:01, zoneId:FF, delay:0000

Seems to work fine although it was initially paired and reckognized as a Tuya 4 in 1 multisensor.

@gopher.ny strange thing,
The vibration sensor does not show up in the HomeKit app at all. Not even as “incompatible device”.


