Using HE with with InfluxDB, Grafana, with InfluxDB Logger

For right now this will just be a consolidation of all of the help topics I have provided to others or has been provided to me. I will clean this up to where it flows better in abit.

Introduction to the InfluxDB, Grafana, InfluxDB Logger Stack

We have the great home automation systems that generate a ton of actions off of events that occur around our home. These events are datapoints we may want to be able to see on occasion. By using the InfluxDB as a backend database to store our data, Grafana to visualize it and InfluxDB Logger to extract the event data from the Hubitat Hub we can do just that. So what are these parts.

“InfluxDB” is a enterprise level database that is designed specifically for “Time-Series” data. Unlike some databases it excels with this kind of data in a low resource environment. For that reason it has become a very popular tool in this kind of setup.

“Grafana” is a enterprise level visualization tool for displaying various data stored in databases. This is a really powerful tool for taking raw dating and creating the beautiful graphs we like to see.

“InfluxDB Logger” is a home automation smart app that was originally written by Codersaur for the Smartthings environment. It has since been ported to Hubitat and further refined by several developers over the last few years. Currently it is maintained by @dennypage with contributions by others. Denny has done a great job of ensuring it’s stability and viability going forward.

So this combination of tools allows us to capture the data in HE, store them in a very robust database, and then visualize them so we can use them later.

What do you need to get started

Each of these tools are completely independent of each other so there are some options on how you can set these up. I will address each of them independently.


InfluxDB has 2 real options for install

  1. InfluxDB OSS
  2. InfluxDB Cloud

InfluxDB OSS is a local install running on a always on computer like a server, computer, or even a Raspberry Pi. Yes it can run fine on a Raspberry pi and in many cases is preferred due to lower power needes

InfluxDB Cloud on the other hand is as stated a cloud solution were you don’t install anything, but setup a Cloud account with InfluxDB. They even have a free teir account so you could end up spending nothing for this service

Each has their own pro’s and cons. The cloud account is nice because of the simplicity of setup, and you don’t need to maintain an always on system. It also means you don’t have full control of your data as it isn’t in your possession at all times. You are also subject to Cloud limitations like Rate limits and simply how they maintain their server.

The biggest pro to running your own server is that put you in complete control and you keep your data local. The biggest con is simply put all of the problems fall on you to resolve. You also have to manage and take care of the computer.

My personal suggestion would be to use the Cloud option as long as it meets your needs and you don’t have the means to run your own always on computer. It is hard to beat having the pro’s deal with managing the infrastructure of your environment. If you have your own server, or out grow what they provide for free then you may want to consider moving to a different option.

The big limitation for the Cloud free teir solution is it only keeps 30 Days of data.

That said using the cloud free tier is by far the easiest option to get setup and started fast. It really is as simple as a few clicks to create your account and a few more to setup the instance to collect data from HE and you are done.


So I mentioned above that Grafana is a great graphing tool, but depending on what choice you made for how you want to run your InfluxDB there may be another option available. InfluxDB2.x comes with it’s own graphing engine built in. You may be able to create good simple dashboards with the built in engine that comes as part of the InfluxDB Cloud or OSS installs. You can certainly try it first and move to Grafana at a later time if you want to. I will provide a post for dashboard examples below.

That said I really prefer the robust abilities of Grafana. You can really create some fantastic visualizations and it is super flexible. Grafana could potentially be used for allot more then HE in InfluxDB. It does fall back to the need for a always on computer for the graphing though so I will say thing leads down that path as well.

HE Integration with InfluxDB (InfluxDB Logger)

InfluxDB Logger is just a really nice simple tool that allows you to import all of your events from HE to a external database. It has been fine tuned over time by few developers and most recently by @dennypage to minimize impact to your HE Hub.

Setup Cheat Sheet

Copy the below information out to Notepad or a text document to help you document and keep track of values needed for setup.

Things to keep Track of 
Fill in these values as you do your setup and set up your database. This will help you complete the setup in later steps when these values are neede. You likely want to keep this in a text document on your computer so you can copy and past these values. Case is always important so keep that in mind
Org Name:
This is a simple text name like “Home”
Organization id:
This is a simple alphanumeric value like “de39d0957ef5c875”
Cluster URL (Host Name):
This is a simple URL like “”
Bucket Name:
This is a simple text name like “Hubitat”
Bucket ID:
This is a small alphanumeric value like “c7a67b809036ad8e”
All Access API Token:
This is a large alphanumeric value like “bO3RlSzQR_WH_3I_55V3UELZqTOEDG4V9FGEfiNJuhPcMTkHpuwFnn5rdiO18oS5CwqFM7UgZs41A54vSgQxgA==”

Cloud setup steps

First go to InfluxDB Cloud Singup ( and create your free account. Take note of what ORG name you use. It should be free

Then once you are logged into your free account click on the spot across the top for the Org you specified and select settings. Here you can see the Cluster URL for were your instance of InfluxDB Cloud lives. Copy that out into your document to track the values. To the right of that value you will also see a listing for Organization ID. Copy that value out as well. It will look somewhat similar to what is below.


image1287Ă—707 38.1 KB

Now across the left side you have a line with a arrow pointing up it. Click on that and select the option for Buckets. On the left side of the screen you should now have a option to create a bucket. Click that button and then give the Bucket a name. Note down that name, Click on the Create button.Once created you should see the bucket listed. Just below the name are 3 values. One of them is ID:. Copy that ID Value to our text document for later use.

Go back to the left side menu and select the arrow pointing up again but this time click on it and select "API Token". Click on the button to the far right that is labled "Generate API Token". It will give you a drop down menu and select "All Access API Token". A new box will appear and you should give it a name and click save. Now that box will go away and a new box will appear with the token that looks like this.


image753Ă—284 27.1 KB

Copy the API Token and store it for use in InfluxDB Logger.

Local Server setup steps (needs to be update to INfluxdb2.x)

The documentation is provided at INfluxDB’s Support site. There are a variety of ways the InfluxDB can be installed local. Below are the commands for installing on a Ubuntu VM. The file names may need to be adjusted, but these should work. These are also what is provided in the install documentation by in the Support Site

sudo dpkg -i influxdb2-2.7.0-amd64.deb

sudo service influxdb start

Now restart the computer/vm that has the InfluxDB instance installed and when it restarts go to a browser and put in the IP of the computer that has the InfluxDB instance installed with :8086 at the end. It should look something like If you have not already make sure you document the IP/URL for your server, and ensure it has a set IP on your home network.

This should provide you with a login page for the InfluxDB ui. Go through the setup steps to setup your admin profile and your starting ORG. Take note of that ORG and it’s Org ID. and keep track of the admin id so you an access this page later if you ever need to.

Now across the left side you have a line with an arrow pointing up it. Click on that and select the option for Buckets. On the left side of the screen you should now have a option to create a bucket. Click that button and then give the Bucket a name. Note down that name, Click on the Create button.Once created you should see the bucket listed. Just below the name are 3 values. One of them is ID:. Copy that ID Value to our text document for later use..

Go back to the left side menu and select the arrow pointing up again but this time click on it and select "API Token". Click on the button to the far right that is labled "Generate API Token". It will give you a drop down menu and select "All Access API Token". A new box will appear and you should give it a name and click save. Now that box will go away and a new box will appear with the token that looks like this.


image753Ă—284 27.1 KB

Copy the API Token and store it for use in InfluxDB Logger. This is not retrievable once this is closed so make sure you store it


Using HPM download InfluxDB Logger from the Community github Repository.

Once you have InfluxDB Logger loaded via HPM you will need to add the app to the hub by clicking on the "Add User App" button in the upper right corner and select "InfuxDB Logger" from the list that appears. This will install the smartapp on the hub and take you into the initial setup screen shown below

So lets us step through the setup of each part of the app.

The application name will default to InfluxDB, but can be modified if you need to run more then one instance.

"System Log Level" will default to "Warning" level which will help minimize logging and can probably be left along. If you ever run into issues with the app you may be asked to increase this.

Next is the Influx DB Settings section.

Now we get to the connection Settings. Clicking on this box will load up a new screen that has the breakdown of all of the connection options. This will vary a little bit depending on if you are using the cloud or local setup. Below is an example of what it will resemble if you are using a InfluxDB Cloud setup.

The key is to select "Use TLS" at the top. Use just the Host name from the URL obtained earlier. Specify Port 443.

If you are using a Local install you will leave the "Use TLS option" off. Specify the database server's IP address for host and use port 8086.

Then you need to select v2.x for the influxdb Version and enter the Org, and Bucket you setup in your database. Lastly select token for the "Authentication type" and enter your token

Once these options are setup click on done and return to the previous screen. If you populated everything here properly HE will be able to communicate to InfluxDB.

Batch time Limit, Batch Size Limit and Backlog Limit have to do with how records are handled as they occur.

Batch time limit determines how much time to wait after a new event occurs for more events before posting those records to the database. This doesn't effect the time for the event that is recorded just how long it takes to get into the DB.

Batch Size Limit indicates a max size to be queued up before a post is made. Think of this as just another way to determine how frequently data is written to the DB.

Batch Time Limit and Batch Size Limit function independent of each other and either can trigger a post to the database depending on how your environment is running.

"Backlog Size Limit" determines when a records may be droped to prevent Hub performance problems. This is used for those cases were for whatever reason your DB becomes unavailable for a period of time. InfluxDB Logger will start to build a backlog of events and hold them until it can post them to the DB. If it gets to the Backlog Limit it will start to prune the oldest records to prevent Hub performance issues.

It should be noted that the "Batch Size Limit" could potentially impact recovery time if you have a prolonged DB outage.

The default values for those settings are very reasonable.

That completes settings related to InfluxDB and we can now move onto "Event Settings"

InfluxDB Logger has a concept of "Keep Allve Events" which is the first setting in this section. The simplest way to explain this value is to ensure data is posted to the DB even for devices that rarely trigger an event. This can be useful if you want to graph states in shorter intervales that may not ever appear or change on a certain graph. A default value of 15 min's ensure you will get data for each device you setup every 15 min reguardless of change.

Next you have two values relate to includeing hub specific data with the event and if it should post a soft poll even if the device was updated in the last soft poll interval. The default value on for these values is probably prefered in almost all aspects

The last section is "Devices to Monitor" and this is where you decide what devices you will track for visualization. Hubitat has the ability to use custom attributes that can be unpredictable. For that reason the default options here are based on documented predefined capabilities that are part of the HE environment. These entries are pretty much guaranteed to work and is what i would suggest you use first. To enable devices to be captured and sent to InfluxDB you will select the individual capability which will then display a list of devices. Then select the devices you want to capture.
Here is an example where I click on devices that have Batteries, and then could select the individual devices.

In some advanced situations there may be things you want to capture that are not standard capabilities/attributes. This is where the option for "Advanced attribute selection" comes in. This kind of flips things around and will allow you to select any device and then the specific attributes you want as shown in this picture. I this example I enabled the Advanced Attributes option to select the cpuPct, and dbSize attribute.

Using the "Adavanced Attribute" option can be a dangerous action though as improper data can cause your data loads to InfluxDB to fail. I would suggest you do what you can in the standard method and then use a second instance for the Advanced Attribute captures you need to do. This will alteast ensure most events flow with no issues.

Once your selections are made click done. Because this can potentially touch many 10's of devices this last done click can take a bit on the hub. There are allot of things behind the scene that are getting setup at this point.

Now you can go look at your logs and you should see no errors from INfluxDB Logger as it processes yourn events.


Installing Grafana

At the time of writing, the latest version of Grafana is v9.0.0, and the official installation instructions can be found here.

To install the latest OSS release:

sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common wget
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Add this repository for stable releases:

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list

After you add the repository:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install grafana

Start the Grafana service:


To start the service and verify that the service has started:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start grafana-server
sudo systemctl status grafana-server

Configure the Grafana server to start at boot:

sudo systemctl enable grafana-server.service

We can verify Grafana is running by browsing to the web interface on port 3000, http://localhost:3000/:

Grafana: Log In Page

At this point, I recommend Logging into Grafana and changing the default admin password.

So far, so good. We now have InfluxDb and Grafana running, but before we can start constructing some charts and dashboards, we need some data.

Setting up a Data source

We need to setup a data source so Grafana knows how to get to our InfluxDB Database. When InfluxDB migrated from their version 1 to Version 2 they changed their query engine. For that reason we are going to setup two data sources. This will allow you to select the write connection for any dashboard you may get.

Data source v1

First you need to create a DBRP entry for the legacy connectivity to the database. This is done by using the Curl command on a computer. Open up a terminal or command prompt and submit the command as shown below for your OS. Fill in the fields based on the information collected earlier in the text file.

Windows syntax:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Authorization: Token <YourAuthToken>" ^
"https://<url of server instance>/api/v2/dbrps" -d "{^
\"bucketID\": \"<bucket ID>\",^
\"database\": \"<database name to use for grafana>\",^
\"default\": true,^
\"orgID\": \"<Org ID>\",^
\"retention_policy\": \"<Just a retention name>\"^

Linux/Unix/MacOS syntax:

curl --request POST https://<url for server instance>/api/v2/dbrps \
  --header "Authorization: Token <YourAuthToken>" \
  --header 'Content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
        "bucketID": "<bucket ID>",
        "database": "<database nam to use for grafana>",
        "default": true,
        "orgID": "<Org Id>",
        "retention_policy": "<just a retention name>"

Here is an example of what I used when setting up my test. I did it on a Linux VM so i used that example

curl --request POST \
  --header "Authorization: Token SHwM4FOKC93akQV6sbBAGDib45RWZk6KgWM5zb_uy5yBWaUvcwLank7taeMxfJ8uoeQGOM_VEUQc6YYho-Y9GA==" \
  --header 'Content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
        "bucketID": "c7n67b803036ad8e",
        "database": "Hubitat-v1",
        "default": true,
        "orgID": "de69d0957eg5c825",
        "retention_policy": "7Days"

Once you press enter you should get a return message with the same data.

As shown in the image below you will click on the sandwich icon in the upper left of the Grafana screen first. Then select connections in the menu that drops down below it. Once in the connection menu click on “Add New Connection” to be shown the screen below.

In the search bar type “Influx” The list should reduce to two options one of which is InfluxDB. Select InfluxDB to move to the setup screen for that database.

You should be presented with a new window that gives you some brief information about InfluxDB. Clock on the “Create a InfluxDB Datasource” button in the upper right. At this point the data source will be created, but it isn’t configured to work with anything. You can see the blank Configuration below.

Now you will want to give this datasource a name. I would suggest ending it with v1 to indicate it is a legacy connection.

The URL will depend on if you are hosting your own instance of InfluxDB or using the cloud. If you are hosting your own it will be HTTP://”INfluxDB IP”:8086 (fill in your IP). In my case it is If you are using the InfluxDB Cloud then you will want to enter the URL provided when you setup your INfluxDB account and we used for INfluxDB Logger.

Next we need to populate the Custom HTTP Headers value. This is what allows us to bridge the gap between v1 and V2 Query engines.

Under Custom HTTP Headers enter “Authorization” (exactly like that) for the Header and then “Token ” for the value. No additional spaces except for the one between the word Token and your actual token you obtained when setting up the database.

Example would be like this.

Token isCmd3f9r-GdSlMrdtX4wDjx9ER3hTIMUDW5cRvkv78RLNWAb8w5tVoSSBCEIbfrIFpXWFF4yfxy3UKmaBcUdw==

Once this connection is saved it will not be viewable as shown below, so keep that in mind.

Now populate your Database value with the bucket you setup in your database and click on Save & Test at the bottom. You should get a success confirmation.

Data source v2

Setting up the V2 connection is very similar to the V1 except for two things.

For that reason follow the same steps as before and as shown in the image below you will click on the sandwich icon in the upper left of the Grafana screen first. Then select connections in the menu that drops down below it. Once in the connection menu click on “Add New Connection” to be shown the screen below.

In the search bar type “Influx” The list should reduce to two options one of which is InfluxDB. Select InfluxDB to move to the setup screen for that database.

You should be presented with a new window that gives you some brief information about InfluxDB. Clock on the “Create a InfluxDB Datasource” button in the upper right. At this point the data source will be created, but it isn’t configured to work with anything. You can see the blank Configuration below.

Now you will want to give this datasource a name. I would suggest ending it with v2 or Flux to indicate it is a new query method connection.

Yo will want to change the Query Language from InfluxQL to Flux as shown in the above graphic.

The URL will depend on if you are hosting your own instance of InfluxDB or using the cloud. If you are hosting your own it will be HTTP://”INfluxDB IP”:8086 (fill in your IP). In my case it is If you are using the InfluxDB Cloud then you will want to enter the URL provided when you setup your INfluxDB account and we used for INfluxDB Logger.

The Token is the native way to communicate to InfluxDBv2 and once you select Flux as your query engine the options on the bottom will shift a little bit. You will not need to worry about custom header and instead simply populate the values in the lower section correctly.

So at this point all you need to do is fill in the Organization value(ORG), Database Bucket and token. These will relate to what you used previously in this setup. Once that is done you should click on the “Save & Test” button and get confirmation of a successful connection.


Create Visualizations and Dashboards

Hubitat community shared dashboards

The easiest way to get started with a dashboard will be to obtain shared dashboards from Community members. You can find shared dashboards in the below thread. From here obtain the raw JSON and import it into Grafana using the below procedure.

Here is one of my dashboards that simply shows various temps throughout the house.

  "__inputs": [
      "name": "DS_INFLUXDB",
      "label": "InfluxDB",
      "description": "",
      "type": "datasource",
      "pluginId": "influxdb",
      "pluginName": "InfluxDB"
  "__elements": {},
  "__requires": [
      "type": "grafana",
      "id": "grafana",
      "name": "Grafana",
      "version": "10.0.2"
      "type": "datasource",
      "id": "influxdb",
      "name": "InfluxDB",
      "version": "1.0.0"
      "type": "panel",
      "id": "timeseries",
      "name": "Time series",
      "version": ""
  "annotations": {
    "list": [
        "builtIn": 1,
        "datasource": {
          "type": "datasource",
          "uid": "grafana"
        "enable": true,
        "hide": true,
        "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
        "name": "Annotations & Alerts",
        "target": {
          "limit": 100,
          "matchAny": false,
          "tags": [],
          "type": "dashboard"
        "type": "dashboard"
  "editable": true,
  "fiscalYearStartMonth": 0,
  "graphTooltip": 0,
  "id": null,
  "links": [],
  "liveNow": false,
  "panels": [
      "datasource": {
        "type": "influxdb",
        "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
      "fieldConfig": {
        "defaults": {
          "color": {
            "mode": "palette-classic"
          "custom": {
            "axisCenteredZero": false,
            "axisColorMode": "text",
            "axisLabel": "",
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              "legend": false,
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              "viz": false
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            "lineWidth": 1,
            "pointSize": 5,
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              "type": "linear"
            "showPoints": "auto",
            "spanNulls": false,
            "stacking": {
              "group": "A",
              "mode": "none"
            "thresholdsStyle": {
              "mode": "off"
          "mappings": [],
          "thresholds": {
            "mode": "absolute",
            "steps": [
                "color": "green",
                "value": null
                "color": "red",
                "value": 80
        "overrides": []
      "gridPos": {
        "h": 9,
        "w": 12,
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        "y": 0
      "id": 10,
      "options": {
        "legend": {
          "calcs": [],
          "displayMode": "list",
          "placement": "bottom",
          "showLegend": true
        "tooltip": {
          "mode": "single",
          "sort": "none"
      "targets": [
          "alias": "$tag_deviceName",
          "datasource": {
            "type": "influxdb",
            "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
          "groupBy": [
              "params": [
              "type": "time"
              "params": [
              "type": "tag"
              "params": [
              "type": "fill"
          "measurement": "temperature",
          "orderByTime": "ASC",
          "policy": "default",
          "refId": "A",
          "resultFormat": "time_series",
          "select": [
                "params": [
                "type": "field"
                "params": [],
                "type": "mean"
          "tags": [
              "key": "deviceName",
              "operator": "=~",
              "value": "/^$hvac_temp_Sensors$/"
          "alias": "$tag_deviceName",
          "datasource": {
            "type": "influxdb",
            "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
          "groupBy": [
              "params": [
              "type": "time"
              "params": [
              "type": "tag"
              "params": [
              "type": "fill"
          "hide": true,
          "measurement": "temperature",
          "orderByTime": "ASC",
          "policy": "default",
          "refId": "B",
          "resultFormat": "time_series",
          "select": [
                "params": [
                "type": "field"
                "params": [],
                "type": "mean"
          "tags": [
              "key": "deviceName",
              "operator": "=",
              "value": "EcobeeSensor: Master Bedroom (GKT2)"
          "alias": "$tag_deviceName",
          "datasource": {
            "type": "influxdb",
            "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
          "groupBy": [
              "params": [
              "type": "time"
              "params": [
              "type": "tag"
              "params": [
              "type": "fill"
          "hide": true,
          "measurement": "temperature",
          "orderByTime": "ASC",
          "policy": "default",
          "refId": "C",
          "resultFormat": "time_series",
          "select": [
                "params": [
                "type": "field"
                "params": [],
                "type": "mean"
          "tags": [
              "key": "deviceName",
              "operator": "=",
              "value": "EcobeeSensor: Thermostat (Thermostat)"
          "alias": "$tag_deviceName",
          "datasource": {
            "type": "influxdb",
            "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
          "groupBy": [
              "params": [
              "type": "time"
              "params": [
              "type": "tag"
              "params": [
              "type": "fill"
          "hide": true,
          "measurement": "temperature",
          "orderByTime": "ASC",
          "policy": "default",
          "refId": "D",
          "resultFormat": "time_series",
          "select": [
                "params": [
                "type": "field"
                "params": [],
                "type": "mean"
          "tags": [
              "key": "deviceName",
              "operator": "=",
              "value": "EcobeeSensor: Study (GK3Q)"
          "alias": "$tag_deviceName",
          "datasource": {
            "type": "influxdb",
            "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
          "groupBy": [
              "params": [
              "type": "time"
              "params": [
              "type": "tag"
              "params": [
              "type": "fill"
          "hide": true,
          "measurement": "temperature",
          "orderByTime": "ASC",
          "policy": "default",
          "refId": "E",
          "resultFormat": "time_series",
          "select": [
                "params": [
                "type": "field"
                "params": [],
                "type": "mean"
          "tags": [
              "key": "deviceName",
              "operator": "=",
              "value": "EcobeeTherm: Thermostat"
      "title": "Ecobee Temperatures",
      "type": "timeseries"
      "datasource": {
        "type": "influxdb",
        "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
      "fieldConfig": {
        "defaults": {
          "color": {
            "mode": "palette-classic"
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            "lineWidth": 1,
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            "stacking": {
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              "mode": "none"
            "thresholdsStyle": {
              "mode": "off"
          "mappings": [],
          "thresholds": {
            "mode": "absolute",
            "steps": [
                "color": "green",
                "value": null
                "color": "red",
                "value": 80
        "overrides": []
      "gridPos": {
        "h": 9,
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        "y": 0
      "id": 2,
      "options": {
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      "pluginVersion": "9.4.3",
      "targets": [
          "alias": "$tag_deviceName",
          "datasource": {
            "type": "influxdb",
            "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
          "groupBy": [
              "params": [
              "type": "time"
              "params": [
              "type": "tag"
              "params": [
              "type": "fill"
          "measurement": "temperature",
          "orderByTime": "ASC",
          "policy": "default",
          "refId": "A",
          "resultFormat": "time_series",
          "select": [
                "params": [
                "type": "field"
                "params": [],
                "type": "mean"
          "tags": [
              "key": "deviceName",
              "operator": "=~",
              "value": "/^$alt_Indoor_Temp$/"
      "title": "House Temperature Sensors",
      "type": "timeseries"
      "datasource": {
        "type": "influxdb",
        "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
      "fieldConfig": {
        "defaults": {
          "color": {
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      "pluginVersion": "10.0.2",
      "targets": [
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            "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
          "groupBy": [
              "params": [
              "type": "time"
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              "operator": "=~",
              "value": "/^$outdoor_Temp_Sensors$/"
      "title": "Outdoor Temps",
      "type": "timeseries"
      "datasource": {
        "type": "influxdb",
        "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
      "description": "",
      "fieldConfig": {
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      "title": "Misc Temp Sensors",
      "type": "timeseries"
  "refresh": "",
  "revision": 1,
  "schemaVersion": 38,
  "style": "dark",
  "tags": [],
  "templating": {
    "list": [
        "current": {
          "selected": false,
          "text": "InfluxDB",
          "value": "InfluxDB"
        "hide": 0,
        "includeAll": false,
        "label": "Datasource",
        "multi": false,
        "name": "datasource_InfluxDB",
        "options": [],
        "query": "influxdb",
        "queryValue": "",
        "refresh": 1,
        "regex": "",
        "skipUrlSync": false,
        "type": "datasource"
        "current": {},
        "datasource": {
          "type": "influxdb",
          "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
        "definition": "select DISTINCT(\"deviceName\") FROM (select * from \"temperature\" where $timeFilter)",
        "hide": 0,
        "includeAll": false,
        "label": "HVAC Temp Sensors",
        "multi": true,
        "name": "hvac_temp_Sensors",
        "options": [],
        "query": "select DISTINCT(\"deviceName\") FROM (select * from \"temperature\" where $timeFilter)",
        "refresh": 1,
        "regex": "",
        "skipUrlSync": false,
        "sort": 0,
        "type": "query"
        "current": {},
        "datasource": {
          "type": "influxdb",
          "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
        "definition": "select DISTINCT(\"deviceName\") FROM (select * from \"temperature\" where $timeFilter)",
        "hide": 0,
        "includeAll": false,
        "label": "Alternate Indoor Temp Sensors",
        "multi": true,
        "name": "alt_Indoor_Temp",
        "options": [],
        "query": "select DISTINCT(\"deviceName\") FROM (select * from \"temperature\" where $timeFilter)",
        "refresh": 1,
        "regex": "",
        "skipUrlSync": false,
        "sort": 0,
        "type": "query"
        "current": {},
        "datasource": {
          "type": "influxdb",
          "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
        "definition": "select DISTINCT(\"deviceName\") FROM (select * from \"temperature\" where $timeFilter)",
        "hide": 0,
        "includeAll": false,
        "label": "Outdoor Sensors",
        "multi": true,
        "name": "outdoor_Temp_Sensors",
        "options": [],
        "query": "select DISTINCT(\"deviceName\") FROM (select * from \"temperature\" where $timeFilter)",
        "refresh": 1,
        "regex": "",
        "skipUrlSync": false,
        "sort": 0,
        "type": "query"
        "current": {},
        "datasource": {
          "type": "influxdb",
          "uid": "${DS_INFLUXDB}"
        "definition": "select DISTINCT(\"deviceName\") FROM (select * from \"temperature\" where $timeFilter)",
        "hide": 0,
        "includeAll": false,
        "label": "Misc Temp Sensors",
        "multi": true,
        "name": "misc_Temp_Sensor",
        "options": [],
        "query": "select DISTINCT(\"deviceName\") FROM (select * from \"temperature\" where $timeFilter)",
        "refresh": 1,
        "regex": "",
        "skipUrlSync": false,
        "sort": 0,
        "type": "query"
  "time": {
    "from": "now-24h",
    "to": "now"
  "timepicker": {},
  "timezone": "",
  "title": "Home Temps",
  "uid": "b024c58d-a552-4f80-a207-e81228b9316b",
  "version": 7,
  "weekStart": ""

Log into Grafana and click on the 3-line sandwich icon in the upper left of the page. Then click on Dashboards. This will load the Dashboard page that will list all of the dashboards you have loaded. From here on the far right of the window there will be an option for “New” Select that and click on Import. Now past the Raw JSON data you copied into the window labled “Import via panel json” and click load.

Now you should have the dashboard available in the list and you can open it. Now based on the dashboard you will need to likely fill in variable across the top to enable access to your specific InfluxDB Database for HE. Once all the variables are setup Click on save and select the checkbox to save the variable settings. Lastly click Save Again. Now you have a working dashboard.


As a alternative option you can use this image as well which is already setup and ready to run.

Raspberry Pi Image for HE

It uses the standard pi password which you probably should change, The influx DB is using a DB name with Hubitat as the database and hubitat/hello123 for the userid/password.

It also has Node-Red if you want to use it. I also loaded docker and installed NGINX and Portainer in case you want to use it.

http://(Pi_IP):81 will take you to Nginx Admin Page (Userid: Password: changeme)
http://(Pi_IP):1880 will take you to Node-Red
http://(Pi_IP):3000 will take you to Grafana log in page (Userid: admin Password: admin This should be changed once logged in)
http://(Pi_IP):9000 log in page (will make you set credentials upon first login)


Reserved for Upgrade Procedures

1 Like

Thanks for this guide.
I have setup InfluxDB cloud and Grafana local on Debian OS.
I have tried to follow all the steps in the above guide; all went well, with the exception of data source v1, I get permission or access denied error.
I have also imported the above read-to-use dashboard, but no data is being displayed, see below:

Grafana dashboard

Not sure, what I need to do to get the Hub to send data to influxDB?

InfluxDB Logger

Any further guidance will be appreciated.

You dont need a v1 data source setup unless you have legacy dashboards coded in QL.
My dashboard you loaded in the Flux version. Did you try selecting a bucket (in the dashboard dropdowns) where you have the data going? _monitoring is one of the default buckets.

Also wondering since you have a local Debian server why use cloud influx? I would set it all up locally.

1 Like

As @jtp10181 mentioned the V1 Datasource is really a backward compatibility thing and shouldn't be needed for many of his dashboards. His dashboards will work with the V2 Datasource that uses the Flux query language. So the first thing I would do is make sure you update the bucket to reflect the correct Bucket setup in your cloud option. DId you create the V2 Datasource?

That said I am not 100% clear on where the v1 Datasource failure is occurring. Did it fail when you submitted the curl command to create the DBRP, or when you tried to have Grafana connect to it.

1 Like

Thanks guys, much appreciated.
Yes, I did try selecting the correct bucket in the dashboard dropdowns, but still no data!?
I have a newly installed Debian server 12 on a thin client (Wyse 5070) with Home Assistant installed in a container in supervised mode.
I have tried to install influxDB locally, but can't get it to do the final step i.e. display in the browser - I've tried to follow several guides on the internet, and failed.

I am unable to perform the curl command, I get a permission error if I recall.
I will check and review the data source v2 guide/option again later this evening.


I would use the Influx docs, not random guides. Influx has good docs: Install InfluxDB | InfluxDB OSS v2 Documentation
They also have a docker image: Docker

Once you select a bucket, you also need to select the "tag", try hubName or deviceName. hubName requires the setting enabled in Influx Logger to send the hub name as a tag. deviceName should always work.

You can also check your bucket for data by logging into the InfluxDB web interface and using the data explorer.

Turn on higher logging from InfluxDB logger also, and watch the logs. Force a refresh from the Hub Info driver, and the logger should pick it up and queue it to be sent to Influx.


What version of InfluxDB were you installing with the guides. I never got the WEB Gui to display with influxDBv1 which allot of guides install. That is why in this thread i direct you to the documentation and steps to isntall InfluxDB v2.7. As @jtp10181 points out the documenation is pretty good and is basically what i used to create what is above. It should just be those 3 commands. I will create a VM and test the install with Debian myself to see if there is anything funny about it.

If the curl command failed can you confirm you set all of the values based on what you created.

You should be updating the URL for your instance, the Token, Bucket id, the database to use and then the ORG id. Then just make something up for the retention_Policy.

An access denied error would tend to indicate one of the below values is incorrect

  1. The token,
  2. Bucket ID
  3. Org ID
  4. URL is incorrect

Are we sure influxDB Logger is putting data into InfluxDB Cloud?

1 Like

Thanks guys.
I've had another look at my Debian server - not 100% sure, but it seems that tailscale was causing some network access issues as I was not able to access Home Assistant locally without being connected to tailscale.
Anyway, I have setup the server again and just reinstalled HA without tailscale and did the steps again.
After that, I was able to setup local influxdb with the above linux commands without any issues and followed instructions for data source v2 and it's all working now :smile:


1 Like

Looks like you have free mem set to MB on the driver, my Free memory chart is meant to have the free memory unit set to KB, that was the only option for quite some time with the Info Driver.

You could edit the guage and chart and switch the "unit" on it to make it work with MB if you want. Change it to Data / megabytes and it should work better.

1 Like

Yes, I had to edit the chart to show the unit in MB, thanks.

Going to do some experimenting with Grafana cloud to see how that could fold into this as well now. I have it configured with InfluxDB Cloud already and imported the "Hub Info" Dashboard provided by @jtp10181 It seems to works well.

1 Like

If I wanted to use this across multiple hubs, do I have to create new buckets, etc for each hub? Of can I just use what I created in the first step?

You can send to the same bucket. I would suggest making sure the option to send the hub name is enabled. Also, avoid duplicate device names since thats usually how you display and group stuff on charts.

FWIW, I also make a habit of naming devices with the human name of the room they are in. This limits conflicts.