Upgraded from c3 to c8 pro and having iris pairing issues

So my C3 bit the dust and finally decided to buy a C8 pro, only problem it I can't get my Iris V1 plugs to pair. I put the plugs in pairing mode, the C8 sees them and looks like it's paired, but the plug never leaves pairing mode and I can't turn the plug on or off while in pairing mode.
Going to do some digging for a fix, but if anyone has a link to one it would be much appreciated.
Given the alternative is to return the hubitat and buy 20 wifi plugs.
Also a hassle of a different kind. Would like to avoid any more gray hair.

That won't work; they are not compatible with the C-8 and later, at least not for direct pairing (they can be migrated, but that isn't supported from a C-3).

As a side note, if you see the "Iris v1 Zigbee Pairing" button on the C-8 at all, you're on old firmware. I'd suggest updating, though that won't change anything here.

For an alternative, hub model C-7 is still available at hubitat.com and is compatible with these plugs, though you may eventually want to look into replacing them. You could return the C-8 Pro, assuming you are within the 30-day period.


Not only does the C8 not support Iris V1, they didn't say anything about it in the early advertising. I bought one, and due to other problems, like it wouldn't pair with my Enbrighten wall switches, and sending it in for them to test, I missed the return period.

Then I found out that they didn't support the Iris devices anymore. At that point, I sat the thing aside and kept the C7 running.

Since I have to replace the Iris devices, I won't keep the Hubitat system. Not because I love the Iris, but rather because I don't like dropping capabilities and not telling us about it. I found out by trying, then looking at the forum after actually sending the device in for testing.

I'm busily switching my systems over to Home Assistant. The Hubitat is nothing but a Zigbee gateway now and will soon be replaced with something else.

Iris V1 put this device on the market and gave it its start in Home Automation, but they left it behind.

Agree totally. Sending back my C8 and buying the kasa plugs, sense compatible. With a wifi mesh that covers 2 acres and since Echo does Zigbee the iris was the only reason to give it a shot. My C3 did great up until it went belly up. Without any other zwave hubs though, no reason to keep the hubitat. Especially since I can get a dozen energy plugs for the same price.
Who knows, might be able to trade the old Iris devices for cat food.. LoL

This may be your opinion but is not what got HE to the market, it was there a long time before iris died.

This is also not a fair statement the iris devices never complied to standard zigbee. The HE engineers found a way to get them to join to their old stack which was based on zigbee 1.2 HA. This was loosely regulated and the joining security could be adjusted specifically for these devices.
However the C8 + now has a Zigbee 3.0 stack and the security rules must be followed in order to be classed as 3.0. This means devices that didn't even comply to 1.2HA can be expected to work on 3.0 hubs.

To my knowledge it was never even advertised as a "thing" to use the old products, it was a "bonus" for orphans of iris that they could bring their stuff over rather than having to bin their products. Despite the fact that iris refunded their customers in order to throw their products away! So your dismay at HE is unfounded and should be directed at iris, however with their payback scheme even that would be unfounded.

All this though is pointless because as @bertabcd1234 mentioned

So if you want them to live on just get the C7. I have a old C7 just for this use case it keeps alive old products which otherwise would be put in the bin. For that I thank HE, no other system I know about lets me have a mix of old and new joined in to a "new" hub and let devices that would hold them back still work.
New "good" devices now live on my C8 where as any old "bad" devices connect to my C7 and are shared to my main C8. It is a WIN WIN for me old stuff gets a new lease of life whereas new stuff does not get dragged down.


And...Took literally 2s to find this info:


This is simply not true.


No modern zigbee 3.0 coordinator can support the pairing (onboarding) of Iris V1 devices. So good luck finding one!

As has already been pointed out, this is a lie.


Actually for the many Iris followers this was true. Like others, not much point in sticking with a platform that no longer supports our devices. If we must change to newer more standard devices, then it's only logical to change to a newer more standard platform.
For me, it's wifi, and Echo supports Zigbee placing all on once central platform.

Sure, it makes sense that Hubitat was an attractive replacement hub option for Iris users with lots of gen 1 devices that would otherwise be functional equivalents of paperweights.

But the world of home automation in 2018-2019 existed outside the context of stranded Iris users too.


Iris V1 devices date back to 2012. Iris replaced them with V2 devices in 2014-2015. Lowes dropped support for Iris devices in 2019, and released enough code to make it feasible for Hubitat (and other manufacturers) to add support for V1 devices using the old zigbee radio in the C-3(4), C-5, and C-7.

Hubitat's first hub was released in 2018 with support for z-wave and ZHA 1.2 devices. Iris V1 support was added later. So the part of @draythomp's statement that is provably false is this sentence:

Iris V1 owners may have found Hubitat as a convenient replacement for their defunct Iris hubs in 2019. However, that functionality had nothing to do with Hubitat being introduced into the Home Automation marketplace, which occurred more than a year before Lowes obsoleted the Iris platform.


@danabw It may have taken you two sec to find that list, but when was that list updated? When that C8 came out, there was no mention of Iris not being compatible, and there was an Iris pairing option that apparently wasn't fully tested to be working. Saying is took you 2 sec to find that was kinda being a jerk.

Would it be so difficult to use a C7 for those devices and then use hub mesh to import into your C8 to still control them? That is a viable solution in my view.


Only if you want to put more money down the drain. For me, just returning the C8 pro and then take the same money for kasa plugs to use with echo devices was more logical. Unless Hubitat decided to give away a free c7 to all those who bought the 8c so they could be backwards compatible. Not likely to happen.
Far more logical to just landfill the Iris devices and put the money into compatible technology.

My response was to the OP, who from what I read recently got/started using the C8. I did not address you, so not sure why you are so defensive. Let's keep it civil to avoid posts getting flagged.


Clearly that strategy is suitable for your automation needs; however, it is not viable for those of us who value privacy, and local control with minimal cloud dependence.


I suspect there are a lot of us that have Iris devices that are frustrated they can't be paired to the latest hub. The number and cost of some of our devices to replace all of them could easily run quite high. Some of my Iris devices I simply don't want to lose. If Iris devices can be migrated and function on a C8, would it be possible for the HE devs to create a way to migrate devices from say a C7 to a C8 individually? Keep a C7 to pair if needed and transfer the device to the C8 without a full migration?

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That’s not how radio migrations work. It is all or nothing, and migration wipes out devices previously paired to the C-8.


so why worry? This is my point the cost of a C7 hub is nothing compared to the cost of replacing devices. Do you "need" a C8? If you want a C8 why not have both use the C7 as a bridge to keep your old devices going and bring them into the C8.

You are all complaining as if they updated firmware on a existing device and now it doesn't work. That's not what has happened it's a brand new hub with brand new features, unfortunately that means your very old devices that no one else supports can't be joined to. But there is still a very good hub that has all the capabilities of the C8 - the change in the zigbee chip still exists and still works for those devices.


True...I run a C7 and I have some my Iris v1 devices on it. They are useful so kept them (and the C7) around. You can pick up used C7s for cheap lately - IRRC there were some for sale for $50 each recently here in the forum.

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