Update Firmware on C-7 causes web interface to be unreachable

Yes it is still green.

May need to update the diagnostic tool as well.

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If so, modify this link with your hub's IP address:



No luck updating the Diagnostic Tool when upgrade done and when reverted back it says no update available. Appreciate the efforts but no luck yet.

I think it's time to call in the big guns... @bobbyd any suggestions here?

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I thought of one other thing that’s a bit of a long shot but it shouldn’t hurt. The database format has changed since 2.2.5. Maybe a corrupt database is somehow wreaking havoc on the upgrade process.

You might consider making a backup and saving it locally then doing a soft reset followed by a restore. That will cleanse the database in the process. On newer versions a restore does a soft reset first but not I think on that old a version. Once that’s done try the upgrade again.

Again just a thought but since even BobbyD gets some time off for good behavior on the weekend it’s something to try.

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@brad5 that resulted in the same outcome. Still unresponsive after update. Appreciate the efforts so far.

When you say in responsive what's happening? The hub does a update? Then you can't find the hub apart from the diagnostic tool?

Try a shut down after the update and as it's a new hub do a soft reset after that which will give you a blank database.

Once your up and running and firmware update done on the z-wave page, you can restore your c4 database to the C7.

By unresponsive ...once update is complete page comes back with message "This page isn't working. has redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies."

I have tried clearing cookies, accessing from multiple computers and browsers. Can reach it using port 8081 to rollback but that is all. Tried your suggestion of upgrading and doing soft reset but same outcome

Just some more random things to try...

Have you tried http://hubitat.local?

There's a similar thread that suggests maybe your browser is trying to force an https redirect. Is that a possibility?

There was also a change made a while ago that only allowed access from an RFC1918 non-routable IP. Is your browser is on the same subnet and is it a /24 subnet? From what you posted HE is definitely an RFC1918 subnet.... just checking to make sure your PC is too.

@brad5 thanks for the suggestions but no luck. I can reach hubitat.local when on the old version but not after the upgrade. I have tried on multiple computers and multiple browsers all with the same message.

Both computer and hub are on the same RFC1918 network

If you haven't tried these steps yet, please check out this thread and let me know if your problem persists:

Thanks @bobbyD for the response. I did try these steps as were outlined above and will try the same thing again. I tried the Diagnostic Tool update to version 1.0.97 as I have 1.0.75 but it did not perform the upgrade. Message returned was:

{"success":true,"message":"No Update for Diagnostic Tool Available."}

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Make sure the hub is connected to the cloud. If you are not sure that it is, you can send me a private message and I can check.


Assume it is as it is able to go out and download the updates for install. Is there a specific way I should check that?

Nothing special, just make sure there isn't a notification in the upper right hand side saying that "Cloud isn't available".

So all good in that case. Went through the process of database download and restore again with the same result.

I´m at a loss what to do next. Don´t want to proceed with the upgrade from the C4 to the C7 without completing the update. Any other ideas? Appreciate all the efforts so far. This community is the reason I have used and recommended Hubitat to many of my friends.

Did you ever private message bobbyD as he requested above?


I don´t think there was a need for DM as was posted that the hub is linked to the cloud and confirmed. Still no luck with this update at this point.