Unknown Z-wave devices

If you had them AFAIK you would have seen them in the Hub's Z-Wave Details page. The UZB stick just let's you remove them if you needed/wanted to.

It is nice to have a clean slate. I removed my "defanged" ghost w/my UZB just so things would look pretty. :wink: After installing .142 the ghost no longer messed up my network, but its entry in my device list bothered me so I zapped it. :slight_smile:

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Wanted to be double sure :smiley:


And wanted to mess with a new toy

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How can you not play?!?!? :wink:

Exactly. Too many toys, too little time

So I should wait for 2.2.4 to be released before upgrading, right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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How do I delete this sucker?? Nothing happens when I hit delete... it just comes back.

What is this device? Can you power it down so it does not respond? If you do so maybe it will clear on a reboot (then remove) or overnight. I can't remember exactly how to do it the HE way or if it's even possible yet. I've also hit "discover" and "repair" a couple of times with the device powered - sometimes it will be found again and show up in the device list where you can remove it.

I usually remove these troublesome "ghosts" via a Z-wave usb stick. It might be worth picking one up for giggles - they are fairly inexpensive.

See @danabw excellent guide:

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IF it's caused by an Include that didn't complete, and the device is functioning at a new Node number, then just click the Remove button, then wait 10 mins. (All those buttons simply tell the ZRadio to do something, and you have to wait for it to complete.) You click the button and it looks like nothing happens.. so be patient and let the process run in the background. Refresh the page in 10 mins and see if the status changed, Don't let it frustrate, try that 3 times then give up and investigate the 2nd Zstick option.


@mailtomatte - here's the guide @erktrek was referring to.

Ghost Removal - Who you gonna call?!


Thanx @erktrek and @danabw.
I ordered a stick!
/ Mattias


Do they only have tool for PC? Cant find for MAC.......

I've only ever seen/heard of a PC version, unfortunately. Someone else may know of an alternative...

PC Only.

I've used a virtual Win10 under VirtualBox for years for this purpose, originally with OZWCP.

Aeon's the same way, their firmware upgrades are PC only as well.

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Got the zwave USB Stick today. Trying to add it with your instructions but am stuck when its not wanting to be included to the Hubitat.... Tried everything and restarted The Hubitat.... and the usb...

What could be wrong? Im just 5 to 50 cm from the hub

Could you post a screenshot of your PC Controller Network Management dashboard? Try network wide inclusion under select learn mode.

10years since I used a PC .... Dont know how to Screenshoot so I took a picture with my phone.... haha

How do you know that it is for European frequens?

Ctrl-WindowsKey-S will let you drag a crop.

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What results do you get when you try the following:


I get to login screen

after you login... Also did you configure the subnet mask and gateway for your router on the switch? Did you make sure your switch is in the same subnet as your router's lan side?